- limpid
- прозрачный
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
limpid — LIMPÍD, Ă, limpizi, de, adj. (livr.) Limpede. – Din lat. limpidus, fr. limpide, it. limpido. Trimis de cornel, 23.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 LIMPÍD adj. v. albastru, clar, curat, limpede, pur, senin, străveziu … Dicționar Român
Limpid — Lim pid (l[i^]m p[i^]d), a. [L. limpidus; akin to Gr. la mpein to shine: cf. F. limpide. Cf. {Lamp}.] 1. Characterized by clearness or transparency; clear; as, a limpid stream. [1913 Webster] Springs which were clear, fresh, and limpid. Woodward … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
limpid — [lim′pid] adj. [Fr limpide < L limpidus, altered (? from liquidus, LIQUID) < OL limpa, lumpa, water: see LYMPH] 1. perfectly clear; transparent; not cloudy or turbid [limpid waters] 2. clear and simple [limpid prose] limpidity n. limpidness … English World dictionary
Limpīd — (limpide, lat.), klar, hell … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Limpid — Limpīd (lat.), klar, hell; Limpidität, Klarheit … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
limpid — index clear (apparent), lucid, pellucid Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
limpid — англ. [ли/мпид] limpide фр. [лэнпи/д] limpido ит. [ли/мпидо] прозрачно, ясно … Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов
limpid — (adj.) c.1600, from Fr. limpide (15c.) and directly from L. limpidus clear, from limpa water goddess, water; probably cognate with lympha clear liquid (see LYMPH (Cf. lymph)). Related: Limpidly … Etymology dictionary
limpid — *clear, transparent, translucent, lucid, pellucid, diaphanous Analogous words: *pure, sheer: lucid, perspicuous, *clear Antonyms: turbid Contrasted words: muddy, roily (see TURBID): *obscure, vague, dark: murky, dusky (see DARK) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
limpid — [adj] clear, comprehensible bright, comprehensible, crystal clear, crystalline, definite, distinct, filmy, intelligible, lucid, luculent, obvious, pellucid, perspicuous, pure, see through, thin, translucent, transparent, transpicuous,… … New thesaurus
limpid — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of a liquid or the eyes) clear. 2) (especially of writing or music) clear or melodious. DERIVATIVES limpidity noun limpidly adverb. ORIGIN Latin limpidus … English terms dictionary