- lift stop
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
stop — stop1 W1S1 [stɔp US sta:p] v past tense and past participle stopped present participle stopping ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(not move)¦ 2¦(not continue)¦ 3¦(pause)¦ 4¦(prevent)¦ 5¦(stay)¦ 6 will/would stop at nothing (to do something) 7 stop short of (doing)… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Lift Upgrading Programme — (LUP) (Chinese: 电梯翻新) is a Singapore Housing and Development Board (HDB) project which upgrades and improves the facilities of the lifts at HDB flats which became an issue in the 2006 general election. This project is for housing blocks built… … Wikipedia
lift — [ lift ] n. m. • 1909; de l angl. lifted shot « coup soulevé » ♦ Anglic. Au tennis, Effet donné à une balle en la frappant de bas en haut, de façon à en augmenter le rebond. ● lift nom masculin (anglais lift, de to lift, soulever) Au tennis,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
lift — [lift] vt. [ME liften < ON lypta < lopt, air, akin to OE lyft, Ger luft, Du lucht] 1. to bring up to a higher position; raise 2. to pick up and move or set [lift the box down from the shelf] 3. to hold up; support high in the air 4. to… … English World dictionary
lift — [n1] transportation car ride, drive, journey, passage, ride, run, transport; concept 155 lift [n2] help, aid assist, assistance, boost, comfort, encouragement, hand, leg up*, pickme up*, reassurance, relief, secours, shot in the arm*, succor,… … New thesaurus
lift the closure — stop an embargo, stop a boycott or prohibition … English contemporary dictionary
lift — liftable, adj. lifter, n. /lift/, v.t. 1. to move or bring (something) upward from the ground or other support to a higher position; hoist. 2. to raise or direct upward: He lifted his arm in a gesture of farewell; to lift one s head. 3. to remove … Universalium
lift — [[t]lɪft[/t]] v. t. 1) to move or bring (something) upward from the ground or other support to a higher position; hoist 2) to raise or direct upward: to lift one s head[/ex] 3) to remove or rescind by an official act, as a ban, curfew, or tax 4)… … From formal English to slang
lift — lift1 [ lıft ] verb *** ▸ 1 move to higher position ▸ 2 improve situation ▸ 3 officially end rule/law ▸ 4 steal ▸ 5 when weather improves ▸ 6 start feeling happier ▸ 7 make amount increase ▸ 8 dig plants from ground ▸ 9 talk more loudly ▸ 10… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
lift — I UK [lɪft] / US verb Word forms lift : present tense I/you/we/they lift he/she/it lifts present participle lifting past tense lifted past participle lifted *** 1) lift or lift up [transitive] to move something to a higher position Lift the lid… … English dictionary
lift — 1. verb 1) lift the pack onto your back Syn: raise, hoist, heave, haul up, heft, raise up/aloft, elevate, hold high; pick up, grab, take up, scoop up, snatch up; winch up, jack up, lever up; informal hump; literary upheave … Thesaurus of popular words