- levelling staff
нивелирная рейка
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
levelling staff — /ˈlɛvəlɪŋ staf/ (say levuhling stahf) noun a graduated rod used for measuring heights in connection with a surveyor s level. Also, levelling rod; US, leveling rod …
levelling-staff — levˈelling rod or levˈelling staff noun A graduated rod used in surveying • • • Main Entry: ↑level … Useful english dictionary
Levelling refraction — refers to the systematic refraction effect distorting the results of line levelling over the Earth s surface.In line levelling, short segments of a line are levelled by taking readings through a level from two staffs, one fore and one behind. By… … Wikipedia
Levelling — For other uses, see Levelling (disambiguation). Single levelling redirects here. For other uses, see Single level (disambiguation). Levelling or leveling is a branch of surveying, the object of which is 1) To find the elevation of a given point… … Wikipedia
levelling-rod — levˈelling rod or levˈelling staff noun A graduated rod used in surveying • • • Main Entry: ↑level … Useful english dictionary
Level staff — A level staff, also called levelling rod, is a graduated wooden or aluminum rod, the use of which permits the determination of differences in elevation.Rod construction and materialsLevelling rods can be one piece, but many are sectional and can… … Wikipedia
Leveling staff — Leveling Lev el*ing, n. [Written also levelling.] 1. The act or operation of making level. [1913 Webster] 2. (Surveying) The art or operation of using a leveling instrument for finding a horizontal line, for ascertaining the differences of level… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
level staff — noun A graduated rod used by surveyors to measure differences in level. Syn: stadia, levelling rod … Wiktionary
backsight — /ˈbæksaɪt/ (say baksuyt) noun Surveying 1. a sight on a previously occupied instrument station. 2. the reading on a levelling staff that is held on a point of known elevation, used in computing the elevation of the levelling instrument …
ГОСТ 21830-76: Приборы геодезические. Термины и определения — Терминология ГОСТ 21830 76: Приборы геодезические. Термины и определения оригинал документа: 50. Алидада D. Alhidade F. Alidade Определения термина из разных документов: Алидада 80. Ампула уровня D. Röhre E. Level vial F. Fiole de niveau… … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации
target — /ˈtagət / (say tahguht) noun 1. a device, usually marked with concentric circles, to be aimed at in shooting practice or contests. 2. any object used for this purpose. 3. anything fired at or aimed at. 4. a goal to be reached. 5. Boxing, Fencing… …