- lava mesa
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
mesa — MÉSA adv. (fam.; în expr.) A intra (sau a cădea, a băga) mesa = a ajunge (sau a face pe cineva să ajungă) într o situaţie neplăcută, a intra (sau a băga pe cineva) într o încurcătură, într un bucluc. – Din ngr. mésa înăuntru . Trimis de RACAI, 30 … Dicționar Român
Mesa Falls Tuff — Mesa Falls ash bed Mesa Falls Tuff Exposed at Rim of Caldera Near Ashton, Ida … Wikipedia
Mesa (geomorfología) — Para otros usos de este término, véase mesa (desambiguación). Mesas en las Glass Mountains al oeste de Oklahoma … Wikipedia Español
Mesa — For other uses, see Mesa (disambiguation). The Island in the Sky mesa/district of Canyonlands National Park, as seen from the Needles district … Wikipedia
láva — 1 e ž (ā) 1. žareča tekoča snov iz zemeljske notranjosti, ki predre zemeljsko skorjo in se razlije po površju: lava teče po pobočju; ognjenik bruha lavo; ljubosumnost je bruhnila na dan kakor lava; divja množica se vali kakor lava / strjena lava… … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
mesa lava — GLOSSARY OF VOLCANIC TERMS Generally rhyolitic in composition, a lava flow with an approximately circular plan which forms a biscuit shaped body (Cas and Wright, 1987, p. 81) … Glossary of volcanic terms
mesa — An isolated, flat topped landform that stands distinctly above the adjacent land area and is bounded by steep slopes or cliffs; and is generally capped by erosion resistant, nearly horizontal rock (often lava). Mesas and buttes have similar… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
Thurston Lava Tube — Hawaiʻi Volcanoes Nationalpark Magma tritt an die Erdoberfläche durch einen Vulkan auf Hawaiʻi … Deutsch Wikipedia
Peridot Mesa — The Peridot Mesa vent is a part of the San Carlos volcanic field located in San Carlos, Arizona, USA on the Apache Indian reservation. The mesa is about convert|3|km|mi|abbr=on in diameter and is capped by a basalt flow 3 to 6 meters thick that… … Wikipedia
Colada de lava — Colada pahoehoe avanzando por una carretera en Kalapana. Una colada es un manto de magma emitido por un volcán durante sus erupciones. Una colada linear se extiende a lo largo de la pendiente de la ladera que parte del cono del volcán: en… … Wikipedia Español
Upper Mesa Falls — Infobox Waterfall name = Upper Mesa Falls image size = 200 caption = Upper Mesa Falls in June, 2008 location = Fremont County, Idaho latitude = +44° 11 16.44 longitude = 111° 19 48.72 coordinates = coord|44|11|16|N|111|19|48|W elevation =… … Wikipedia