latitudinal direction

latitudinal direction
широтное направление

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "latitudinal direction" в других словарях:

  • Latitudinal — Lat i*tu di*nal, a. Of or pertaining to latitude; in the direction of latitude. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Latitudinal gradients in species diversity — The pattern= The increase in species richness or biodiversity that occurs from the poles to the tropics, often referred to as the latitudinal gradient in species diversity, is one of the most widely recognized patterns in ecology. Put another way …   Wikipedia

  • Foucault pendulum vector diagrams — Several vector diagrams are often used to demonstrate the physics underlying the Foucault pendulum. Diagrams are provided to illustrate a pendulum located at the North Pole, equator, and 45 degrees N to show how the rotation of Earth in relation… …   Wikipedia

  • Foucault Pendulum vector diagrams — Several vector diagrams are often used to demonstrate the physics underlying the Foucault pendulum.Diagrams are provided to illustrate a pendulum located at the North Pole, equator, and 45 degrees N to show how the rotation of Earth in relation… …   Wikipedia

  • Eötvös effect — In the early 1900s a German team from the Institute of Geodesy in Potsdam carried out gravity measurements on moving ships in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. While studying their results the Hungarian nobleman and physicist Baron Roland… …   Wikipedia

  • ALIYAH AND ABSORPTION — GENERAL SURVEY Introduction Aliyah, ascension or going up, is the coming of Jews as individuals or in groups, from exile or diaspora to live in the Land of Israel. Those who go up for this purpose are known as olim – a term used in the Bible for… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Spherical harmonics — In mathematics, the spherical harmonics are the angular portion of an orthogonal set of solutions to Laplace s equation represented in a system of spherical coordinates. Spherical harmonics are important in many theoretical and practical… …   Wikipedia

  • Ural Mountains — a mountain range in the W Russian Federation, extending N and S from the Arctic Ocean to near the Caspian Sea, forming a natural boundary between Europe and Asia. Highest peak, Mt. Narodnaya, 6214 ft. (1894 m). Also called Urals. * * * Mountain… …   Universalium

  • Renton, Washington — Infobox Settlement official name = Renton, Washington settlement type = City imagesize = image caption = image mapsize = 250x200px map caption = Location of Renton in King County and Washington mapsize1 = map caption1 = subdivision type = Country …   Wikipedia

  • Zhiguli Mountains — The Zhiguli Mountains (or simply Zhiguli, Russian: Жигулëвские горы [ Zhigulyovskiye gory ] , Жигули, sometimes called Zhiguli Height Жигулëвская возвышенность [ Zhigulyovskaya vozvyshennost ] ) are a range of wooded mountains located in Russia,… …   Wikipedia

  • climate — /kluy mit/, n. 1. the composite or generally prevailing weather conditions of a region, as temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds, throughout the year, averaged over a series of years. 2. a region or… …   Universalium

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