- lateral drift
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
lateral — [lat′ər əl] adj. [L lateralis < latus (gen. lateris), a side, prob. akin to latus, broad < IE * stlā to < base * stel , to spread out > Arm lain, broad] 1. of, at, from, on, or toward the side; sideways [lateral movement] 2.… … English World dictionary
lateral — lat er*al, lateral pass lat er*al pass , n. (Football) 1. A short pass to a receiver who is upfield from the passer, i.e. is behind the passer relative to the direction of the passer s goal. [PJC] 2. A part or extension of something that points… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lateral pass — lateral lat er*al, lateral pass lat er*al pass , n. (Football) 1. A short pass to a receiver who is upfield from the passer, i.e. is behind the passer relative to the direction of the passer s goal. [PJC] 2. A part or extension of something that… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lateral — laterally, adv. /lat euhr euhl/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to the side; situated at, proceeding from, or directed to a side: a lateral view. 2. pertaining to or entailing a position, office, etc., that is different but equivalent or roughly… … Universalium
drift — I. noun Etymology: Middle English; akin to Old English drīfan to drive more at drive Date: 14th century 1. a. the act of driving something along b. the flow or the velocity of the current of a river or ocean stream 2. something driven, propelled … New Collegiate Dictionary
drift — i. The lateral divergence from the prescribed flight path of an aircraft resulting primarily from the effects of a cross wind. ii. A slow movement in one direction of an instrument pointer or other marker. iii. A slow change in frequency of a… … Aviation dictionary
lateral — /ˈlætərəl / (say latuhruhl), /ˈlætrəl / (say latruhl) adjective 1. of or relating to the side; situated at, proceeding from, or directed to a side: a lateral view. 2. Phonetics with the airstream escaping from the mouth on one or both sides of an …
continental drift — Geol. the lateral movement of continents resulting from the motion of crustal plates. Cf. plate tectonics. [1925 30] * * * Large scale movements of continents over the course of geologic time. The first complete theory of continental drift was… … Universalium
continental drift — con′tinen′tal drift′ n. gel the lateral movement of continents resulting from the motion of crustal plates • Etymology: 1925–30 … From formal English to slang
harbours and sea works — Introduction harbour also spelled harbor any part of a body of water and the manmade structures surrounding it that sufficiently shelters a vessel from wind, waves, and currents, enabling safe anchorage or the discharge and loading of… … Universalium
Steel plate shear wall — A steel plate shear wall (SPSW) consists of steel infill plates bounded by a column beam system. Overview When these infill plates occupy each level within a framed bay of a structure, they constitute an SPSW [Kharrazi, M.H.K., 2005, “Rational… … Wikipedia