наинизший возможный по астрономическим условиям уровень моря
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
lat — LAT, Ă, (1) laţi, te, adj. (2) laturi, s.n. 1. adj. Care are o lăţime (relativ) mare. ♢ loc. adj. Lat în spate (sau în spete) = bine legat, voinic, ♢ expr. A spune vorbe mari şi late = a spune vorbe pompoase, dar fără conţinut. (fam.) A fi lată… … Dicționar Român
LAT TV — Fecha de existencia 19 de mayo de 2006 Propietario Latin America Broadcasting. Programación 24 horas para toda la familia. Sitio Web http://www.lattv.com/ Cobertura y frecuencias Cobertura … Wikipedia Español
LAT — steht für: Lietuvos Aukščiausiasis Teismas, litauisches Oberstes Gericht Local Area Transport – ein Netzwerkprotokoll von DEC das olympische Länderkürzel für Lettland Lowest Astronomical Tide – niedrigst möglicher Gezeitenwasserstand, siehe… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Lat. — Lat. or lat. is an abbreviation for:*latin *latitude * Lat a widely published Malaysian cartoonist … Wikipedia
lat- — lat English meaning: wet, damp; swamp Deutsche Übersetzung: “feucht, naß; Sumpf, Lache” Material: Gk. λάταξ, αγος “drip, Weinrest” (compare das Lw. Lat. latex, icis), λαταγέω ‘schleudre klatschend die Neige Wein”, λατάσσω ds.;… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
Lat|a|ki|a — or Lat|a|ki|a «LAT uh KEE uh», noun. a fine, highly aromatic variety of Turkish tobacco: »Enveloped in fragrant clouds of Latakia (Thackeray). ╂[< Latakia, a seaport in Syria, near which the tobacco is grown] … Useful english dictionary
lat|a|ki|a — or Lat|a|ki|a «LAT uh KEE uh», noun. a fine, highly aromatic variety of Turkish tobacco: »Enveloped in fragrant clouds of Latakia (Thackeray). ╂[< Latakia, a seaport in Syria, near which the tobacco is grown] … Useful english dictionary
Lat|in — «LAT uhn», noun, adjective. –n. 1. the language of the ancient Romans or any one of the later varieties, such as that written by scholars through the Middle Ages. Medieval Latin and New Latin are still used in official documents of the Roman… … Useful english dictionary
Lat — (l[a^]t), v. t. To let; to allow. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lat. — lat. also lat BrE the written abbreviation of latitude … Dictionary of contemporary English
lat|en — «LAY tuhn», intransitive verb, transitive verb. to become or make late: »the latening summer season. ╂[< lat(e) + en1] … Useful english dictionary