- Laramide folding
ларамийская складчатость
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Rocky Mountains — the chief mountain system in North America, extending from central New Mexico to N Alaska. Highest peak, Mount McKinley, 20,300 ft. (6187 m). Also called Rockies. * * * or Rockies Mountain system, western North America. It extends some 3,000 mi… … Universalium
Geology of the Bryce Canyon area — Paria View overlooks an intermittent stream flowing toward the Paria River, s … Wikipedia
Olympic-Wallowa Lineament — Location of the Olympic Wallowa Lineament. Is the OWL an optical illusion? The Olympic Wallowa lineament (OWL) – first reported by cartographer Erwin Raisz in 1945 [1] on a relief map of the continental United States – is a physiographic feature… … Wikipedia
orogeny — orogenic /awr euh jen ik, or euh /, orogenetic, adj. /aw roj euh nee, oh roj /, n. Geol. the process of mountain making or upheaval. Also called orogenesis /awr euh jen euh sis, or euh /. [1885 90; ORO 1 + GENY] * * * I Mountain building event,… … Universalium
Colorado Plateau — A map of the Colorado Plateau. The … Wikipedia
Geological history of Earth — impacting the Earth in a glancing blow. [cite journal | last = R. Canup and E. Asphaug | title = Origin of the Moon in a giant impact near the end of the Earth s formation | journal = Nature | volume = 412 | pages = 708–712 | date = 2001 | url =… … Wikipedia
North America — North American. the northern continent of the Western Hemisphere, extending from Central America to the Arctic Ocean. Highest point, Mt. McKinley, 20,300 ft. (6187 m); lowest, Death Valley, 276 ft. (84 m) below sea level. 400,000,000 including… … Universalium
Orogeny — Geologic provinces of the world (USGS) Shield … Wikipedia
San Rafael Swell — The San Rafael Swell is a large geologic feature located in south central Utah, USA about 30 miles (50 km) west of Green River, Utah. The San Rafael Swell, approximately 75 miles by 40 miles (120 x 65 km), consists of a giant dome shaped… … Wikipedia
Cumbres de Monterrey National Park — IUCN Category II (National Park) … Wikipedia