land operations

land operations
наземные исследования
наземные наблюдения
наземные работы

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "land operations" в других словарях:

  • land control operations — The employment of ground forces, supported by naval and air forces (as appropriate) to achieve military objectives in vital land areas. Such operations include destruction of opposing ground forces, securing key terrain, protection of vital land… …   Military dictionary

  • Land Rover Defender — 2007 Defender Manufacturer Land Rover Also called Land Rover Ninety, One Ten 127 (1983 1990) …   Wikipedia

  • Land use forecasting — undertakes to project the distribution and intensity of trip generating activities in the urban area. In practice, land use models are demand driven, using as inputs the aggregate information on growth produced by an aggregate economic… …   Wikipedia

  • Land mines in Central America — are of the unfortunate by product of the cold war era conflict in the 1980s. Contrary to the requirements of generally accepted international law, the minefields of Central America were usually unmarked and unrecorded on maps. Once placed, mines… …   Wikipedia

  • Land and hold short operations — (or LAHSO, pronounced La So ) is an Aeronautical term referring to a situation in which a landing aircraft is forced to land and hold (stop short and fast) on the runway to avoid collision with another object, or to avoid hazardous conditions on… …   Wikipedia

  • Land Command — (or HQ Land ) is a military command and part of the structure of the modern British Army.It assumed control of virtually all Army combat and combat support troops on 1 April 1995. Three major exceptions were Cyprus, the Falklands, and Northern… …   Wikipedia

  • Land Force Central Area — (LFCA) is responsible for the administration of the Canadian Forces Land Force Command in the province of Ontario, from the Quebec border to the northern Lakehead region. LFCA is also a force provider for both international and domestic… …   Wikipedia

  • Operations Specialist (US Navy) — Operations Specialist Rating insignia Issued by: United States Navy United States Coast Guard Type Enlisted rating Abbreviation …   Wikipedia

  • Land of the Lost (1974 TV series) characters and species — Land of the Lost was a 1974 ndash;1976 TV series relating the adventures of the Marshall family (including Will and Holly and their father, later replaced by their uncle). The Marshalls become trapped in a pocket universe populated by dinosaurs,… …   Wikipedia

  • Operations Magazine — provides Multi Man Publishing with its own house organ for articles and discussion of its wargaming products. The first issue was produced in the summer of 1991 by The Gamers and was printed regularly until The Gamers were taken over by MMP. The… …   Wikipedia

  • land and hold-short operations — Operations that include simultaneous takeoffs and landings and/or simultaneous landings when a landing aircraft is able and so instructed by the controller to hold short of an intersecting runway or taxiway or a designated hold short point. If… …   Aviation dictionary

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