lamellar structure

lamellar structure
листовое строение
листообразная структура
тонкослоистая листообразная структура
тонкослоистая пластинчатая или листообразная структура
тонкослоистая пластинчатая структура
тонкослоистая структура

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "lamellar structure" в других словарях:

  • Lamellar structure — Lamellar structures or microstructures are composed of fine, alternating layers of different materials in the form of lamellae. They are often observed in cases where a phase transformation front moves quickly, leaving behind two solid products,… …   Wikipedia

  • Lamellar granule — Lamellar granules (otherwise known as lamellar bodies, keratinosomes or Odland bodies) are secretory organelles found in type II pneumocytes and keratinocytes. They are oblong structures, appearing about 300 400 nm in width and 100 150 nm in… …   Wikipedia

  • lamellar ligament — (MOLLUSCA: Bivalvia) That part of the ligament secreted by the mantle edge that is lamellar in structure and contains no calcium carbonate; elastic to both compression and tension …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • lamellar — (Order Isopoda): In the shape or structure of a thin plate or lamella [Kensley and Schotte, 1989] …   Crustacea glossary

  • Multi-Lamellar Emulsion — A. Lamellar structure of skin lipid ( * under electron microscopy ) B. Lamellar structure of MLE ( * under electron microscopy ) C. Maltese cross of skin lipid ( * under cross polarized microscopy ) D. Maltese cross of MLE ( * cross polarized… …   Wikipedia

  • crossed-lamellar shell — (MOLLUSCA: Bivalvia) A shell structure with secondary lamellae inclined in alternate directions within the primary lamellae …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • Dry lubricant — Dry lubricants or solid lubricants are materials which despite being in the solid phase, are able to reduce friction between two surfaces sliding against each other without the need for a liquid media. Such lubricants, including materials such as …   Wikipedia

  • Lamella (materials) — A lamella is a gill shaped structure: fine sheets of material held adjacent one another, with fluid in between (or simply welded plates). They appear in biological and engineering contexts, such as filters and heat exchangers. The microscopic… …   Wikipedia

  • Eutectic point — The melting point of a mixture of two or more solids (such as an alloy) depends on the relative proportions of its ingredients. A eutectic or eutectic mixture is a mixture at such proportions that the melting point is as low as possible, and that …   Wikipedia

  • Pearlite — is a two phased, lamellar (or layered) structure composed of alternating layers of alpha ferrite (88 wt%) and cementite (12%) that occurs in some steels and cast irons. It forms by a eutectoid reaction as austenite is slowly cooled below 727°C.… …   Wikipedia

  • Self-assembly — is a term used to describe processes in which a disordered system of pre existing components forms an organized structure or pattern as a consequence of specific, local interactions among the components themselves, without external direction.Self …   Wikipedia

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