- lambskin
- антрацит низкого качества
* * *антрацит низкого качества
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Lambskin — may refer to:*Lambskin (sheepskin), the skin of a young sheep *Lambskin condom, made from natural lamb intestines … Wikipedia
Lambskin — Lamb skin , n. 1. The skin of a lamb; especially, a skin dressed with the wool on, and used as a mat. Also used adjectively. [1913 Webster] 2. A kind of woolen. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lambskin — (engl. lamb skin, spr. lämm ßkĭn, »Lammfell«), lammsellartiges Gewebe, nach Art des Plüsches erzeugt, mit zwei Polbäumen und 8 mm hohen Ruten. Die Florbüschel werden gefilzt, indem man die Ware in einem starken heißen Seifenbad behandelt und dann … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
lambskin — mid 14c., from LAMB (Cf. lamb) + SKIN (Cf. skin) (n.) … Etymology dictionary
lambskin — [lam′skin΄] n. 1. the skin of a lamb, esp. with the fleece left on it 2. leather or parchment made from the skin of a lamb … English World dictionary
lambskin-it — see lansquenet … Useful english dictionary
Lambskin — Lamb|skin 〈[læ̣mskın] n. 15; Textilw.〉 Lammfellimitation aus Plüsch [engl., „Lammfell“] * * * Lamb|skin [ læmskɪn ], das; [s], s [engl. lambskin = Lammfell] (Textilind.): Lammfellimitation aus Plüsch: ein Kindermantel aus L. * * * Lamb|skin [… … Universal-Lexikon
Lambskin — Lamb|skin* [ læmskin] das; [s], s <aus engl. lambskin »Lammfell«> Lammfellimitation aus Plüsch … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
lambskin — noun 1 (C, U) the skin of a lamb, with the wool still on it: lambskin gloves 2 (U) leather made from the skin of lambs … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
lambskin — noun Date: 14th century a lamb s skin or a small fine grade sheepskin or the leather made from either; specifically such a skin dressed with the wool on and used especially for winter clothing … New Collegiate Dictionary
lambskin — /lam skin /, n. 1. the skin of a lamb, esp. when dressed with its wool, and used for clothing. 2. leather made from such skin. 3. parchment made from such skin. [1325 75; ME; see LAMB, SKIN] * * * … Universalium