- kieselguhr
- кизельгур, диатомовая земля
* * *• горная мука• диатомит
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
kieselguhr — ou kieselgur [ kizɛlgur; gyr ] n. m. • 1824 ; mot all. ♦ Minér. ⇒ tripoli. ● kieselguhr nom masculin (allemand Kieselgur) Variété de diatomite à fort pouvoir absorbant. ⇒KIESELGUHR, subst. masc. GÉOL. Variété de roche siliceuse d origine… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Kieselguhr — Kie sel*guhr , n. [G., fr. kiesel flint + guhr an earthy deposit or sediment in water.] Siliceous earth; diatomaceous earth; specifically, porous infusorial earth, used as an absorbent of nitroglycerin in the manufacture of dynamite. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Kieselguhr — Kieselguhr, s.u. Kieseltuff … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
kieselguhr — or kieselgur [kē′zəl goor΄] n. [Ger < kiesel, flint + guhr, gur, earthy sediment < gären, to ferment] DIATOMITE … English World dictionary
Kieselguhr — Échantillon de célite Le Kieselguhr est une variété de diatomite, une roche sédimentaire siliceuse d origine organique et fossile, se composant de restes fossilisés de diatomées. Sa granulométrie est généralement comprise entre 10 et 200 µm. Il… … Wikipédia en Français
kieselguhr — Infusorial In fu*so ri*al, a. (Zo[ o]l.) Belonging to the Infusoria; composed of, or containing, Infusoria; as, infusorial earth. [1913 Webster] {Infusorial earth} (Geol.), a deposit of fine, usually white, siliceous material, composed mainly of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
kieselguhr — diatomaceous earth di a*to*ma ceous earth (Geol.), a deposit of fine, usually white, siliceous material, composed mainly of the shells of the microscopic plants called diatoms; also called {infusorial earth}, {kieselguhr}, and {diatomite}. It is… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
kieselguhr — noun /ˈkiːzəlɡʊə/ A kind of soft rock containing the remains of diatoms; it absorbs nitroglycerine and is used to manufacture dynamite. It was the only name anybody seemed to know him by, “Kieselguhr” being a kind of fine clay, used to soak up… … Wiktionary
kieselguhr — diatomitas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Silicitų grupės silpnai cementuota, labai poringa, lengva nuosėdinė uoliena. Susidariusi iš sucementuotų titnagdumblių dvinarių opalinių kiautelių (60–95 % masės sudaro opalas).… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
kieselguhr — noun Etymology: German Kieselgur Date: 1875 loose or porous diatomite … New Collegiate Dictionary
kieselguhr — /kee zeuhl goor /, n. See diatomaceous earth. [1870 75; < G, equiv. to Kiesel flint + Gu(h)r earthy deposit] * * * … Universalium