
1. ледниковая котловина, ледниковый котёл 2. воронка, западина
giant's kettle котёл гигантов (цилиндрическая выбоина, образованная в ложе ледника водой)
rimmed kettle моренная впадина с поднятыми бортами
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котел в отложениях ледниковых наносов
приглубая часть пруда у водоспуска

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "kettle" в других словарях:

  • kettle — ► NOUN ▪ a metal or plastic container with a lid, spout, and handle, used for boiling water. ● a different kettle of fish Cf. ↑a different kettle of fish ● the pot calling the kettle black Cf. ↑the pot calling the kettle black ● …   English terms dictionary

  • Kettle — ist der Familienname folgender Personen Charles Henry Kettle (1821−1862), Landvermesser, Planer und Politiker in Dunedin Ross Kettle (* 1961), US amerikanischer Schauspieler Rupert Alfred Kettle (1817−1894), englischer Richter kettle pentaho,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Kettle — Ket tle (k[e^]t t l), n. [OE. ketel; cf. AS. cetel, cetil, cytel; akin to D. kjedel, G. kessel, OHG. chezzil, Icel. ketill, SW. kittel, Dan. kjedel, Goth. katils; all perh. fr. L. catillus, dim. of catinus a deep vessel, bowl; but cf. also OHG.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Kettle —    KETTLE, a parish, in the district of Cupar, county of Fife; including the villages of Balmalcolm, BanktonPark, Coalton, and Holekettle Bridge, and the hamlets of Muirhead and Myreside; and containing 2312 inhabitants, of whom 480 are in the… …   A Topographical dictionary of Scotland

  • kettle — [ket′ l] n. [ME ketel < ON ketill, akin to OE cetel, Ger kessel, Goth katils, early Gmc loanword < L catillus, dim. of catinus, container for food] 1. a metal container for boiling or cooking things; pot 2. a teakettle 3. a kettledrum 4.… …   English World dictionary

  • kettle — (n.) O.E. cetil (Mercian), from L. catillus deep pan or dish for cooking, dim. of catinus bowl, dish, pot. A general Germanic borrowing (Cf. O.S. ketel, O.Fris. zetel, M.Du. ketel, O.H.G. kezzil, Ger. Kessel). Spelling with a k (c.1300) probably… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Kettle — Kettle, Kirchspiel in der schottischen Grafschaft Fife; Weberei; 2100 Ew.; in der Nähe Steinkohlengruben …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • kettle — [n] metal pot boiler, cauldron, pot, steamer, teakettle, vat, vessel; concept 494 …   New thesaurus

  • Kettle — A kettle is a kitchenware piece. Depending on culture and historical location, in the context of bathware the word kettle can have a variety of meanings. In the United Kingdom,the United States , Australia, New Zealand, Ireland , Canada and South …   Wikipedia

  • kettle — [[t]ke̱t(ə)l[/t]] kettles 1) N COUNT A kettle is a covered container that you use for boiling water. It has a handle, and a spout for the water to come out of. [mainly BRIT] I ll put the kettle on and make us some tea. N COUNT: usu N of n A… …   English dictionary

  • kettle — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ electric VERB + KETTLE ▪ fill ▪ plug in (BrE) ▪ put on (esp. BrE) ▪ I ve just …   Collocations dictionary

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