karst topography

karst topography
карстовый рельеф

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "karst topography" в других словарях:

  • Karst topography — is a landscape shaped by the dissolution of a layer or layers of soluble bedrock, usually carbonate rock such as limestone or dolomite. Due to subterranean drainage, there may be very limited surface water, even to the absence of all rivers and… …   Wikipedia

  • karst topography —    Topography dominated by features of solutional origin [10].    Geomorphically, the dominant features usually but not always obviously present, are sinkholes and caves. In tropical regions, karst towers (e.g. mogotes) may also dominate the… …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • Topography (disambiguation) — Topography may refer to:* Cartography, geology and oceanography ** Topography, the study of the current terrain features of a region and the graphic representation of the landform on a map. This is distinct from geomorphology, the study of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Karst fenster — is a geomorphic feature formed from the dissolution of carbonate bedrock where a spring emerges then the discharge abruptly disappears into a sinkhole.ee also* Karst topography …   Wikipedia

  • Karst — Relieve kárstico en la cordillera Cantábrica. España. Con el nombre de karst (del alemán Karst: meseta de piedra caliza), carst o carso se conoce a una forma de relieve originado por meteorización química de determinadas rocas, como la caliza,… …   Wikipedia Español

  • karst — karstic, adj. /kahrst/, n. Geol. an area of limestone terrane characterized by sinks, ravines, and underground streams. [1900 05; < G, generic use of Karst, name of limestone plateau north of Trieste] * * * ▪ geology       terrain usually… …   Universalium

  • karst —    (Internationally used term, originally the German form of the Slavic word kras or krš, meaning a bleak waterless place; it is the German name for a district east of Trieste having such terrane.) A terrane, generally underlain by limestone or… …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • buried karst —    Karst topography entirely buried by relatively younger post rock or sediments and not part of the contemporary landscape [17].    Synonyms: fossil karst; (French.) karst couvert, karst fossile, paleokarst; ( German.) bedeckter Karst, Urkarst;… …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • karst —    A kind of topography formed in limestone, gypsum, or other soluble rocks by dissolution, and that is characterized by closed depressions, sinkholes, caves, and underground drainage. Various types of karst can be recognized depending upon the… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • mantled karst —    Karst topography that is wholly or partly covered by a relatively thin veneer of post karst rock or sediment and is part of the contemporary landscape [17].    See also buried karst; covered karst …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • drowned karst —    Karst topography that is submerged by a change in sea level or lake level.    Synonym: karst noyé.    See also subaqueous karst …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

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