- jackleg
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
jackleg — ☆ jackleg [jak′leg΄ ] adj. [ JACK, n. 2e + (BLACK)LEG] 1. a) not properly trained or qualified; incompetent b) MAKESHIFT 2. unprofessional, unscrupulous, or dishonest n … English World dictionary
jackleg — I. ˈjaˌkleg, āg adjective Etymology: jack (I) + leg (as in blackleg “sharper”) 1. a. : characterized by lack of skill or training : amateur simplifies the labors of the jackle … Useful english dictionary
jackleg — adjective Etymology: 1jack + leg (as in blackleg) Date: 1850 1. a. characterized by unscrupulousness, dishonesty, or lack of professional standards < a jackleg lawyer > b. lacking skill or training ; amateur < a jackleg carpenter > … New Collegiate Dictionary
jackleg — /jak leg /, Chiefly South Midland and Southern U.S. adj. 1. unskilled or untrained for one s work; amateur: a jackleg electrician. 2. unscrupulous or without the accepted standards of one s profession: a jackleg lawyer. 3. makeshift; temporary. n … Universalium
jackleg — Someone who is a wannabe or who appears to be a fraudulent in her representation of herself. Be wary of jackleg preachers trying to take money from unsuspecting Christians … Dictionary of american slang
jackleg — Someone who is a wannabe or who appears to be a fraudulent in her representation of herself. Be wary of jackleg preachers trying to take money from unsuspecting Christians … Dictionary of american slang
Jackleg — trademark used for a support for a rock drill * * * jackleg see jockteleg … Useful english dictionary
jackleg — adj. unskilled, untrained, amateur; unscrupulous, dishonest; temporary … English contemporary dictionary
jackleg — noun US informal an incompetent, unskilful, or dishonest person … English new terms dictionary
jackleg — jack·leg … English syllables
jackleg — jack•leg [[t]ˈdʒækˌlɛg[/t]] Chiefly South Midland and Southern U.S. 1) dial. unskilled or untrained; amateur 2) dial. lacking professional scruples; unethical 3) dial. makeshift; temporary 4) cvb dial. an unskilled or unscrupulous itinerant… … From formal English to slang