isopotential maps

isopotential maps
карты гидроизопьез

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "isopotential maps" в других словарях:

  • Isopotential map — Isopotential maps are a measure of electrostatic potential in space. The spatial derivatives of an electrostatic field indicate the contours of the electrostatic field, so isopotential maps show where another charged molecule might interact,… …   Wikipedia

  • isoelectric — Of equal electrical potential. Cf.:i. point. SYN: isopotential. i. focusing electrophoresis of small molecules or macromolecules in a pH gradient. * * * iso·elec·tric .ī sō i lek trik adj 1) having or representing the same or connecting points… …   Medical dictionary

  • body surface mapping — creation of maps that use contour lines to delineate the isopotential areas of the body surface as determined by electrocardiography, with the potential distributions updated continually during the recording period …   Medical dictionary

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