- isopod
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
isopod — [ī säp′ə dənī sōpäd΄, ī səpäd΄] n. [< ModL < ISO + POD] any of an order (Isopoda) of mostly aquatic malacostracan crustaceans with a flat, oval body and seven pairs of walking legs of similar size and form, each pair attached to a segment… … English World dictionary
Isopod — I so*pod, a. (Zo[ o]l.) Having the legs similar in structure; belonging to the {Isopoda}. n. One of the {Isopoda}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
isopod — ISOPÓD, isopode, s.n. (La pl.) Ordin de crustacee cu toracele compus din şapte segmente libere, fiecare segment având câte o pereche de picioare; (şi la sg.) animal care face parte din acest ordin. – fr. isopodes (<gr.). Trimis de gall,… … Dicționar Român
isopod — 1835, from Fr. isopode, from L. isopoda (neuter plural), from Gk. iso (see ISO (Cf. iso )) + pod , stem of pous foot (see FOOT (Cf. foot) (n.)) … Etymology dictionary
isopod — noun Etymology: ultimately from Greek is + pod , pous foot more at foot Date: circa 1835 any of a large order (Isopoda) of small sessile eyed aquatic or terrestrial crustaceans with the body composed of seven free thoracic segments each bearing a … New Collegiate Dictionary
isopod — (Order Isopoda): ( ) [Kensley and Schotte, 1989]. Schematic representation of an isopod illustrating morphological terms. [Kensley and Schotte, 1989] … Crustacea glossary
isopod — isopodan /uy sop euh dn/, adj., n. isopodous, adj. /uy seuh pod /, n. 1. any freshwater, marine, or terrestrial crustacean of the order or suborder Isopoda, having seven pairs of legs typically adapted for crawling, and a dorsoventrally flattened … Universalium
isopod — noun Any of very many crustaceans, of the order Isopoda, that have a flattened body, and no carapace … Wiktionary
isopod — n. small crustacean (freshwater, sea or terrestrial) that has 7 pairs of legs … English contemporary dictionary
isopod — [ ʌɪsəpɒd] noun Zoology a crustacean of the order Isopoda, which includes the woodlice and many aquatic forms. Origin from mod. L. Isopoda, from Gk isos equal + pous, pod foot … English new terms dictionary
isopod — iso·pod … English syllables