- isoclinal line
линия равного наклонения
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
isoclinal line — izoklina statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Kreivės ar kreivių šeimos to paties polinkio taškų kreivė. atitikmenys: angl. isoclinal line; isocline vok. Isokline, f rus. изоклина, f pranc. isocline, f … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
isoclinal line — izoklina statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. isoclinal line; isocline vok. Isokline, f rus. изоклина, f pranc. isocline, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
isoclinal — [ī΄sōklin′ik, ī΄səklin′ikī΄sō klī′nəl, ī΄səklī′nəl] adj. [< ISO + Gr klinein, to slope (see LEAN1) + AL] 1. of similar or equal inclination or dip 2. connecting or showing points on the earth s surface having equal magnetic inclination or dip… … English World dictionary
isoclinal — /aɪsoʊˈklaɪnəl / (say uysoh kluynuhl) adjective 1. of or relating to equal inclination; inclining or dipping in the same direction. 2. denoting or relating to a line on the earth s surface connecting points of equal dip or inclination of the… …
isoclinal — line connecting points of same magnetic dip Contour Lines … Phrontistery dictionary
isoclinal — /uy seuh kluyn l, uy soh /, adj. 1. of or pertaining to equal direction of inclination; inclining or dipping in the same direction. 2. noting or pertaining to an isoclinic line. 3. Geol. noting or pertaining to a fold of strata that is of the… … Universalium
isoclinal — a.,n. (line on map passing through all places) with same magnetic dip; having equal inclination. ♦ isoclinic, a … Dictionary of difficult words
isoclinic line — an imaginary line connecting points on the earth s surface having equal magnetic dip. Also called isoclinic, isoclinal. [1890 95] * * * … Universalium
isoclinic line — noun an isogram connecting points of equal magnetic inclination • Syn: ↑isoclinal • Hypernyms: ↑isogram, ↑isopleth, ↑isarithm … Useful english dictionary
isocline — [ī′sō klīn΄, ī′səklīn΄] n. [see ISOCLINAL] 1. an anticline or syncline so compressed that the strata on both sides of the axis dip with equal inclination in the same direction 2. an isoclinal line … English World dictionary
i´so|cli´nal|ly — i|so|cli|nal «Y suh KLY nuhl», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. of, having to do with, or indicating equal magnetic inclination; inclining or dipping in the same direction. 2. denoting or having to do with a line on a map drawn through points on the… … Useful english dictionary