- isochronous
- изохронный
* * *• одновременный• повторяющийся через одинаковые промежутки
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Isochronous — From Greek iso, equal + chronos, time. It literally means to occur at the same time or at equal time intervals. The term is used in different technical contexts.*In telecommunication, isochronous has the following meanings: #Of a periodic signal … Wikipedia
Isochronous — I*soch ro*nous, a. [Gr. ?; i sos equal + ? time.] Same as {Isochronal}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
isochronous — (adj.) 1706, with suffix OUS (Cf. ous), from Mod.L. isochronus, from Gk. isokhronos equal in time, from iso equal + khronos time. Earlier in same sense was isochronal (1670s) … Etymology dictionary
isochronous — adjective a) happening at regular intervals Their entire national telephone network is isochronous, with a clock distribution tree radiating from a single, protected cesium reference clock. b) happening at the same time; isochronal These packets… … Wiktionary
Isochronous burst transmission — is a method of data transmission. In a data network where the information bearer channel rate is higher than the input data signaling rate, transmission is performed by interrupting, at controlled intervals, the data stream being transmitted.… … Wikipedia
Isochronous media access controller — (I MAC) is a media access controller whereby data must be transferred isochronously mdash; in other words, the data must be transmitted without interruption … Wikipedia
Isochronous cyclotron — In particle accelerators an Isochronous cyclotron is a cyclotron that maintains a constant RF driving frequency, and compensates for the relativistic mass gain of the accelerated particles by increasing the magnetic field with radius. Isochronous … Wikipedia
isochronous service — A method of transmitting real time data using preallocated bandwidth on a communications link, allowing time synchronized transmissions with very little delay. Isochronous service is required for real time data such as synchronized voice and… … Dictionary of networking
Isochronous signal — In telecommunication, an isochronous signal is a signal in which the time interval separating any two significant instants is equal to the unit interval or a multiple of the unit interval. Note 1: Variations in the time intervals are constrained… … Wikipedia
isochronous curve — izochrona statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. isochrone; isochronous curve; isochronous line vok. Gleichzeitenkurve, f; Gleichzeitenlinie, f; Isochrone, f rus. изохрона, f; кривая равного времени, f pranc. isochrone, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
isochronous line — izochrona statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. isochrone; isochronous curve; isochronous line vok. Gleichzeitenkurve, f; Gleichzeitenlinie, f; Isochrone, f rus. изохрона, f; кривая равного времени, f pranc. isochrone, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas