- archeozoic era
архейская эра
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Archeozoic — n. 1. 1 the time from 1.5 billion to 5 billion years ago, when the earth s crust was formed; the time when only unicellular organisms and the earliest forms of life are present. Same as {Archaeozoic}. Syn: Archaeozoic, Archeozoic era, Archaeozoic … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
archeozoic — adjective of or belonging to earlier of two divisions of the Precambrian era archeozoic life forms • Syn: ↑archaeozoic • Similar to: ↑early • Derivationally related forms: ↑Archaeozoic (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Archeozoic — noun the time from 3,800 million years to 2,500 million years ago; earth s crust formed; unicellular organisms are earliest forms of life • Syn: ↑Archean, ↑Archean eon, ↑Archean aeon, ↑Archaeozoic, ↑Archeozoic eon, ↑Archaeozoic aeon •… … Useful english dictionary
Archeozoic — /ahr kee euh zoh ik/, Geol. adj. 1. noting or pertaining to the earlier half of the Precambrian Era, from about 5 billion to 2.5 billion years ago, during which the earliest datable rocks were formed and from which the oldest known fossil forms,… … Universalium
Archeozoic — Ar•che•o•zo•ic [[t]ˌɑr ki əˈzoʊ ɪk[/t]] adj. 1) gel of or pertaining to the earlier half of the Precambrian Era, before 2.5 billion years ago, when the only life forms were blue green algae and bacteria 2) gel the Archeozoic division of geologic… … From formal English to slang
archeozoic — adj. referring to the earliest geological era … English contemporary dictionary
Archaeozoic — n. [Gr. archai^os ancient + zw^,on animal.] the time from 1.5 billion to 5 billion years ago; the time when the earth s crust formed; a time when only unicellular organisms and the earliest forms of life are present. Syn: Archeozoic, Archeozoic… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Kee|wa|tin — «kee WAH tihn», adjective, noun. –adj. of or having to do with the earliest period of the Archeozoic era: »Keewatin rocks. –n. 1. the earliest period of the Archeozoic era, characterized by the first known rock formations and the appearance of… … Useful english dictionary
архей, архейська ера — архей, архейская эра archaean, Archeozoic era *Archäikum, Erdurzeit – найдавніша ера в геологічній історії Землі; нижній підрозділ докембрію. Верхній віковий рубіж датується близько 2600 2800 млн. років. Радіометричні значення для порід… … Гірничий енциклопедичний словник
laurentian — lȯˈrench(ē)ən adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Latin Laurentius Lawrence (in sense 1 representing the St. Lawrence River, southern Quebec and southeast Ontario, Canada, and in sense 2 representing D. H. Lawrence died 1930 English… … Useful english dictionary
Lew|is|i|an — «loo IHS ee uhn», adjective. of or having to do with the oldest rocks in Scotland, consisting chiefly of gneisses similar to the Laurentian types of North America, or the geologic period when they were formed, occurring at the beginning of the… … Useful english dictionary