- investor relations
отношения с инвесторами
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Investor relations — (IR) is a strategic management responsibility that integrates finance, communication, marketing and securities law compliance to enable the most effective two way communication between a company, the financial community, and other constituencies … Wikipedia
Investor relations — (IR) те юридические или физические лица, которые (по аналогии с Public relations связи с общественностью) занимаются связями и общением с той частью общественнности, которая может рассматриваться или считаться потенциальными… … Википедия
Investor-Relations — [ɪnvestərɪ leɪʃnz ; englisch investor »(Kapital )Anleger« und relations »Beziehungen«] Plural, Bezeichnung für die vielfältigen Formen der Pflege der Beziehungen einer AG zu ihren Kapitalgebern, insbesondere ihren Eigenkapitalgebern… … Universal-Lexikon
Investor Relations — Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Definition 2 Ziele 3 Organisation 4 Aufgaben 5 Internationale IR Verbände … Deutsch Wikipedia
Investor relations — The process by which the corporation communicates with its investors. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * investor relations UK US noun [U] (ABBREVIATION IR) FINANCE ► a company department that provides investors with information on the… … Financial and business terms
investor relations — The process by which the corporation communicates with its investors. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary A department in most medium and large public companies that provide investors with an accurate account of the company. London Stock Exchange… … Financial and business terms
Investor Relations - IR — A department, present in most medium to large public companies, that provides investors with an accurate account of the company s affairs. This helps investors to make informed buy or sell decisions. A company s investor relations department… … Investment dictionary
Investor Relations — Maßnahmen von ⇡ Aktiengesellschaften, um sich ein gutes Ansehen bei aktuellen und potenziellen ⇡ Aktionären zu erhalten und zu verschaffen und deren Bereitschaft zu fördern, bei ⇡ Kapitalerhöhungen ⇡ junge Aktien zu zeichnen. Zu I.R. gehören… … Lexikon der Economics
Investor Relations Society — The Investor Relations Society (IR Society) is the professional body for investor relations professionals in the United Kingdom.Established in 1980, The Investor Relations Society is a non profit making institute and has more than 600 members… … Wikipedia
Investor-Relations — In|ves|tor Re|la|tions [...ri leiʃənz] die (Plur.) <zu engl. relations »Beziehungen«> Pflege der Beziehungen einer Aktiengesellschaft zu ihren Aktionären … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
INVESTOR RELATIONS, IR — [англ. связи с инвесторами] технология коммуникационного менеджмента (см.), направленная на установление и развитие двусторонних связей с инвесторами, акционерами, финансовыми аналитиками, инвестиционными банками, властными структурами,… … Маркетинг. Большой толковый словарь