- inverse modeling
• инверсия• обращение• решение обратной задачи
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Inverse synthetic aperture radar — (ISAR) is a technique to generate a two dimensional high resolution image of a target.In situations where other radars display only a single unidentifiable bright moving pixel, the ISAR image is often adequate to discriminate between various… … Wikipedia
Inverse problem — An inverse problem is a general framework that is used to convert observed measurements into information about a physical object or system that we are interested in. For example, if we have measurements of the Earth s gravity field, then we might … Wikipedia
Polygonal modeling — In 3D computer graphics, polygonal modeling is an approach for modeling objects by representing or approximating their surfaces using polygons. Polygonal modeling is well suited to scanline rendering and is therefore the method of choice for real … Wikipedia
EXPRESS (data modeling language) — EXPRESS is a standard data modelling language for product data. EXPRESS is formalized in the ISO Standard for the Exchange of Product model STEP (ISO 10303), and standardized as ISO 10303 11. Overview Data models formally define data objects and… … Wikipedia
Jack (human modeling) — The Jack human simulation system was developed at the Center for Human Modeling and Simulation [http://hms.upenn.edu] at the University of Pennsylvania in the 1980s 1990s. Conceived as an ergonomic assessment and virtual human prototyping system… … Wikipedia
Antecedent moisture — is a term from the fields of Hydrology and sewage collection and disposal that describes the relative wetness or dryness of a watershed or sanitary sewershed. Antecedent moisture conditions change continuously and can have a very significant… … Wikipedia
Polybaric melting — Etymology: International scientific vocabulary Subject: Basalt petrogenesisFundamentally, this implies that liquids are incrementally separated from residues across a range of pressures and subsequently mix and move through the mantle without… … Wikipedia
Archaeological geophysics — most often refers to geophysical survey techniques used for archaeological imaging or mapping. More broadly defined, the term could refer to any geophysical techniques applied to archaeology. Remote sensing and marine surveys are also used in… … Wikipedia
Post-glacial rebound — A model of present day mass change due to post glacial rebound and the reloading of the ocean basins with seawater. Blue and purple areas indicate rising due to the removal of the ice sheets. Yellow and red areas indicate falling as mantle… … Wikipedia
Aquifer test — An aquifer test (or a pumping test) is conducted to evaluate an aquifer by stimulating the aquifer through constant pumping, and observing the aquifer s response (drawdown) in observation wells. Aquifer testing is a common tool that… … Wikipedia
Lamé function — In mathematics, a Lamé function (or ellipsoidal harmonic function) is a solution of Lamé s equation, a second order ordinary differential equation. It was introduced in the paper harvs|first=Gabriel|last= Lamé|authorlink= Gabriel Lamé|year=1837.… … Wikipedia