- interstadial
• интерстадиальный• межстадиальный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
interstadial — INTERSTADIÁL, Ă, interstadiale, s.n., adj. (geol.) 1. s.n. Interval de climă mai caldă de durată relativă în cadrul unei glaciaţii, în timpul regresiunii gheţarilor; interstadiu. 2. adj. Referitor la interstadial (1). [pr.: di al] – Din germ.… … Dicționar Român
Interstadial — sind kurzzeitige (relative) Warmperioden zwischen Stadialen (Eisvorstößen) innerhalb eines Glazials. Am besten rekonstruieren lassen sich die Stadiale und Interstadiale des letzten, jüngsten Glazials (Würm bzw. Weichselglazial), da ihre… … Deutsch Wikipedia
interstadial — [in΄tər stā′dē əl] adj. of a relatively warm period during a glacial epoch, when glaciers temporarily stop or retreat * * * … Universalium
Interstadial — [zu Stadium] das, s/ e, kurze Wärmephase innerhalb einer Eiszeit. * * * In|ter|sta|di|al, das; s, e [zu ↑inter , Inter u. ↑Stadium] (Geol.): kurzfristige Erwärmung zwischen zwei kalten Stadien einer Eiszeit … Universal-Lexikon
interstadial — [in΄tər stā′dē əl] adj. of a relatively warm period during a glacial epoch, when glaciers temporarily stop or retreat … English World dictionary
interstadial Geology — [ˌɪntə steɪdɪəl] adjective relating to or denoting a minor period of less cold climate during a glacial period. noun an interstadial period. Origin early 20th cent.: from inter + stadial from L. stadialis, from stadium stage … English new terms dictionary
interstadial — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary inter + New Latin stadium stage, phase, from Latin more at stadium Date: 1914 a subdivision within a glacial stage marking a temporary retreat of the ice … New Collegiate Dictionary
interstadial — long intervals of desiccation between pluvial periods … Dictionary of ichthyology
interstadial — 1. adjective Of or pertaining to a temporary period of thaw in the middle of an ice age. 2. noun Such a period … Wiktionary
interstadial — a relatively short and temporary period of warming during a glacial. Not long enough to be classed as a proper interglacial … Geography glossary
interstadiál — adj. m., pl. interstadiáli; f. sg. interstadiálã, pl. interstadiále … Romanian orthography