- interpreter
• дешифровщик• переводчик-синхронист
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
interpréter — [ ɛ̃tɛrprete ] v. tr. <conjug. : 6> • 1155 ; lat. interpretari 1 ♦ Expliquer, rendre clair (ce qui est obscur dans un texte). ⇒ commenter, expliquer, gloser. Interpréter un document. Interpréter abusivement, tendancieusement un texte. ⇒… … Encyclopédie Universelle
interpreter — Interpreter. v. a. Expliquer quelque chose, en estre l interprete. Interpreter bien. interpreter mal. interpreter fidellement, mot à mot. ceux qui ont interpreté l Escriture sainte, interpreté Aristote, &c. comment interpretez vous ce passage?… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
interpreter — in‧ter‧pret‧er [ɪnˈtɜːprtə ǁ ˈtɜːrprtər] noun [countable] 1. someone who translates what someone says from one language into another, especially as their job: • Speaking through an interpreter, the Foreign Minister explained how impressed he… … Financial and business terms
interpreter — et donner à cognoistre, Interpretari. Interpreter à mal, Recte facta detorquere. Interpreter le faict d aucun estre fait par despit de soy, In contumeliam suam vertere quod alius gesserit. Interpreter quelque chose en bonne partie, In optima spe… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Interpreter — Шаблон Interpreter(также известный как Интерпретатор) – Шаблон проектирования Поведенческий шаблон (Behavioral). Решает часто встречающуюся, подверженную изменениям задачу. Содержание 1 Описание 2 Проблема 3 Решение … Википедия
interpreter — intèrpreter m DEFINICIJA inform. program koji prevodi instrukcije iz višeg programskog jezika u strojni jezik i izvršava ih, instrukciju po instrukciju, opr. kompajler ETIMOLOGIJA engl. interpreter ← lat. interpretari … Hrvatski jezični portal
Interpreter — In*ter pret*er, n. [Cf. OF. entrepreteur, L. interpretator.] One who or that which interprets, explains, or expounds; a translator; especially, a person who translates orally between two parties. [1913 Webster] We think most men s actions to be… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
interpreter — index judge Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
interpreter — (n.) one who translates spoken languages; a translator of written texts, late 14c., from O.Fr. interpreteor, from L.L. interpretatorem, agent noun from interpretari (see INTERPRET (Cf. interpret)) … Etymology dictionary
interpreter — ► NOUN ▪ a person who interprets foreign speech orally … English terms dictionary
interpreter — [in tʉr′prə tər] n. [ME interpretour < Anglo Fr < OFr interpreteur < LL(Ec) interpretator] 1. a person who interprets; specif., a person whose work is translating a foreign language orally, as in a conversation between people speaking… … English World dictionary