- intermontane basin
межгорный бассейн
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
intermontane basin — A generic term for wide structural depressions between mountain ranges that are partly filled with alluvium and called valleys in the vernacular. Intermontane basins may be drained internally (bolsons) or externally (semi bolson). FFP … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
intermontane basin — A basin lying between two mountain ranges [16] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
Intermontane — In geography, an intermontane is a feature that lies between mountains. The term refers to plateaus and basins formed by geologic processes. Intermontane plateaus are usually flat open highlands formed when land has been uplifted by tectonic… … Wikipedia
basin — a) Drainage basin. b) A low area in the Earth s crust, of tectonic origin, in which sediments have accumulated. GG. c) (colloquial: western USA) A general term for the nearly level to gently sloping, bottom surface of an… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
intermontane — or intermont adjective Etymology: Latin mont , mons mount Date: 1807 situated between mountains < an intermontane basin > … New Collegiate Dictionary
Intermontane Plateaus — Physiographic regions of the U.S. Interior See:legend For purposes of description, the physical geography of the United States is split into several major physiographic divisions, one being the Intermontane Plateaus. Please refer to the Geography … Wikipedia
Basin and Range Province — ▪ region, United States arid physiographic province occupying much of the western and southwestern part of the United States. The region comprises almost all of Nevada, the western half of Utah, southeastern California, and the southern… … Universalium
basin, intermontane — A basin lying between two mountain ranges [16] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
basin floor — A general term for the nearly level, lower most part of intermontane basins (i.e., bolsons, semi bolsons). The floor includes all of the alluvial, eolian, and erosional landforms below the piedmont slope. Compare: basin, piedmont slope.… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
Mackenzie Basin — For the basin of the Canadian river, see Mackenzie River. The Mackenzie Country s typical autumn colouration. The Mackenzie Basin (popularly and traditionally known as the Mackenzie Country), is an elliptical intermontane basin, located in the… … Wikipedia
Bighorn Basin — The Bighorn Basin is a plateau region and intermontane basin, approximately 100 miles (160 km) wide, in north central Wyoming in the United States. It is bounded by the Absaroka Range on the west, the Bighorn Mountains on the east, and the Owl… … Wikipedia