- arbor
- дерево
* * *вал
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Arbor — or Arbour may refer to: *Arbor (garden), a shaded garden area *Arbor (tool) or mandrel *Arbor Networks, a P2P throttling company *Arbor knot, a knot commonly used to attach fishing line to a fishing reel **Arbor, the central post of a fishing… … Wikipedia
Arbor — steht für Arbor day, Tag des Baumes Arbor infelix, Kreuzigung, Hinrichtung Arbor Low, Henge Monument in der Grafschaft Derbyshire, England Arbor porphyriana, Baum des Wissens Arbor (Foraminiferen), eine Gattung der Foraminiferen Orte in den… … Deutsch Wikipedia
arbor — àrbor m DEFINICIJA drvo, stablo, jarbol SINTAGMA arbor porphyriana (izg. ȁrbor porfiriána) grafički prikaz logički stupnjevito podređenih odnosno nadređenih pojmova; arbor vitae (izg. ȁrbor vȋte) 1. kršć. drvo života, simbol vječnog obnavljanja i … Hrvatski jezični portal
arbor- — arbor(i) ♦ Élément, du lat. arbor « arbre ». arbor(i) ❖ ♦ Élément, du lat. arbor « arbre » … Encyclopédie Universelle
árbor — (del lat. «arbor, ŏris»; ant.) m. Árbol. * * * árbor. (Del lat. arbor, ŏris). m. desus. árbol … Enciclopedia Universal
Arbor — Arbor, lat., Baum; arbor vitae, siehe Gehirn … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
ARBOR — inter Numina Idololatrarum. Cuiusmodi cultum antiquissimum fuisse, arguit Iudaica superstitio, a Cananaeis veterib. hausta et ad gentes postmodum alias illata. Hinc Hoseae c. 4. v. 13. Super capita montium sacrificabant et super colles,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
arbor — (n.) c.1300, herber, herb garden, from O.Fr. erbier field, meadow; kitchen garden, from L. herba grass, herb (see HERB (Cf. herb)). Later a grassy plot (early 14c., a sense also in Old French), a shaded nook (mid 14c.). Probably not from L. arbor … Etymology dictionary
árbor — (Del lat. arbor, ŏris). m. desus. árbol … Diccionario de la lengua española
arbor — arbor1 [är′bər] n. [ME erber < OFr erbier, herbier < LL herbarium, HERBARIUM] 1. a place shaded by trees or shrubs or, esp., by vines on a latticework; bower 2. Obs. a) a garden or lawn b) an orchard arbor2 [är′bər] … English World dictionary
Arbor — Ar bor, n. [OE. herber, herbere, properly a garden of herbs, F. herbier, fr. L. herbarium. See {Herb}, and cf. {Herbarium}.] A kind of latticework formed of, or covered with, vines, branches of trees, or other plants, for shade; a bower. Sir P.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English