- insequent
- инсеквентный
* * *инсеквентный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
insequent — adjective Having an almost random drainage, often forming dendritic patterns … Wiktionary
insequent — ịn|se|quent 〈a. [ ′ ] Adj.; Geol.〉 in keiner Beziehung zum Schichtenbau der Erde stehend (in Bezug auf den Verlauf von Flüssen) [<in...2 + lat. sequens „folgend“] * * * ịn|se|quent [auch: ] <Adj.> [aus lat. in = un , nicht u. sequens… … Universal-Lexikon
insequent — ịn|se|quent 〈a. [ ′ ] Adj.; Geol.〉 in keiner Beziehung zum Schichtenbau der Erde stehend (in Bezug auf den Verlauf von Flüssen); Ggs.: konsequent (3) [Etym.: <in…2 + lat. sequens »folgend«] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
insequent — in|se|quent [auch ... kvɛnt] <zu ↑in... u. lat. sequens, Gen. sequentis, Part. Präs. von sequi »folgen«> keine Beziehung zum Schichtenbau der Erde habend (von Flussläufen; Geol.); Ggs. ↑konsequent … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
insequent — in·sequent … English syllables
insequent — (ˈ)in, ən+ adjective Etymology: in (I) + sequent of the course of a stream : apparently uncontrolled by the associated rock structure … Useful english dictionary
Fatal Revenant — infobox Book | name = Fatal Revenant title orig = translator = image caption = First edition cover author = Stephen R. Donaldson illustrator = cover artist = country = United States language = English series = The Last Chronicles of Thomas… … Wikipedia
Headward erosion — is a fluvial process of erosion that lengthens a stream, a valley or a gully at its head and also enlarges its drainage basin. The stream erodes away at the rock and soil at its headwaters in the opposite direction that it flows. Once a stream… … Wikipedia
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever — is a trilogy of fantasy novels by Stephen R. Donaldson. It was followed by The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant , also a trilogy, and The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant , a planned tetralogy.The main character is Thomas Covenant, a… … Wikipedia
Fluvial landforms of streams — The fluvial landforms of streams, stream beds, and river valleys have various landforms. Classification There are five generic classifications: Consequent streams are streams whose course is a direct consequence of the original slope of the… … Wikipedia
dendritic drainage pattern — A drainage pattern in which the streams branch randomly in all directions and at almost any angle, resembling in plan the branching habit of certain trees. It is produced where a consequent stream receives several tributaries which in turn are … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology