inert matter

inert matter
инертный материал

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "inert matter" в других словарях:

  • inert — [in ʉrt′] adj. [L iners, without skill or art, idle < in , not + ars (gen. artis), skill, ART3)] 1. having inertia; without power to move, act, or resist 2. tending to be physically or mentally inactive; dull; slow 3. having or exhibiting… …   English World dictionary

  • inert — inertly, adv. inertness, n. /in errt , i nerrt /, adj. 1. having no inherent power of action, motion, or resistance (opposed to active): inert matter. 2. Chem. having little or no ability to react, as nitrogen that occurs uncombined in the… …   Universalium

  • inert — in•ert [[t]ɪnˈɜrt, ɪˈnɜrt[/t]] adj. 1) having no inherent power of action, motion, or resistance (opposed to active): inert matter[/ex] 2) chem. having little or no ability to react, as nitrogen that occurs uncombined in the atmosphere 3) pha… …   From formal English to slang

  • inert — /ɪnˈɜt / (say in ert) adjective 1. having no inherent power of action, motion, or resistance: inert matter. 2. still, and apparently incapable of movement: *he lay exhausted and inert, his eyes closed, and with little to distinguish him from one… …  

  • Inert — In*ert , a. [L. iners, inertis, unskilled, idle; pref. in + ars art: cf. F. inerte. See {Art}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Destitute of the power of moving itself, or of active resistance to motion; as, matter is inert. [1913 Webster] 2. Indisposed to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • inert — (adj.) 1640s, from Fr. inerte (16c.) or directly from L. inertem (nom. iners) unskilled, inactive, helpless, sluggish, worthless, from in without + ars (gen. artis) skill (see ART (Cf. art) (n.)). Originally of matter; specifically of gases from… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Matter — This article is about the concept in the physical sciences. For other uses, see Matter (disambiguation). Matter is a general term for the substance of which all physical objects consist.[1][2] Typically, matter includes atoms and other particles… …   Wikipedia

  • matter — That which occupies space, possessing size and shape, mass, movability, and solidity (which may be the same as impenetrability). Its nature was historically one of the great subjects of philosophy, now largely pursued through the philosophy of… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • Leukoencephalopathy with vanishing white matter — Classification and external resources OMIM 603896 Leukoencephalopathy with vanishing white matter (VWM disease) is an autosomal recessive neurological disease. The cause of the disease are mutations in any of the 5 genes encoding subunits of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter — London Convention signatories The Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter 1972, commonly called the London Convention or LC 72555 and also barbie abbreviated as Marine Dumping, is an agreement to… …   Wikipedia

  • inorganic matter — (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) The inanimate world Nouns 1. inorganic matter, mineral, mineral world or kingdom, unorganized, inanimate, or lifeless matter, inorganization; lithification, petrification; petrifaction; brute matter; stone …   English dictionary for students

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