- incombustible dust
инертная пыль
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Dust explosion — A dust explosion is the fast combustion of dust particles suspended in the air in an enclosed location. Coal dust explosions are a frequent hazard in underground coal mines, but dust explosions can occur where any powdered combustible material is … Wikipedia
rock dust — noun : pulverulent rock (as shale or limestone) used in rock dusting called also stone dust * * * a crushed limestone sprayed on surfaces in mines to make coal dust incombustible in case of a gas explosion. [1930 35] … Useful english dictionary
rock dust — a crushed limestone sprayed on surfaces in mines to make coal dust incombustible in case of a gas explosion. [1930 35] * * * … Universalium
Incineration — For other forms of waste plant that produces energy, see waste to energy. Incinerator redirects here. For the fictional character, see Incinerator (Transformers). Incinerate redirects here. For the Sonic Youth song, see Incinerate (song). For the … Wikipedia
Asbestos — Asbestus As*bes tus, Asbestos As*bes tos (?; 277), n. [L. asbestos (NL. asbestus) a kind of mineral unaffected by fire, Gr. ? (prop. an adj.) inextinguishable; a priv. + ? to extinguish.] (Min.) A variety of amphibole or of pyroxene, occurring in … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Asbestus — As*bes tus, Asbestos As*bes tos (?; 277), n. [L. asbestos (NL. asbestus) a kind of mineral unaffected by fire, Gr. ? (prop. an adj.) inextinguishable; a priv. + ? to extinguish.] (Min.) A variety of amphibole or of pyroxene, occurring in long and … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Incense — Burning incense Incense (from Latin: incendere, to burn )[1] is composed of aromatic biotic materials, which release fragrant smoke when burned. The term incense refers to the substance itself, rather than to the odor that it produces. It is used … Wikipedia
Master of the Five Magics — Author(s) Lyndon Hardy … Wikipedia
asbestos — The commercial product, after mining and processing, obtained from a family of fibrous hydrated silicates divided mineralogically into amphiboles (amosite, anthrophyllite, and crocidolite) and serpentines (chrysotile); it is virtually insoluble… … Medical dictionary
Fossil-fuel power station — A working coal plant in Rochester, Minnesota The St. Clair Power Plant, a large coal fired ge … Wikipedia