- inclined belt
наклонный конвейер
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Belt armor — is a layer of armor plating outside the hull of warships, typically on battleships, battlecruisers, cruisers and some aircraft carriers. [those converted from other warships] Typically the belt covered from the deck down someway below the… … Wikipedia
Kuiper belt — Known objects in the Kuiper belt, derived from data from the Minor Planet Center. Obje … Wikipedia
Kuiper belt — [kī′pər] n. 〚after G. P. Kuiper (1905 73), U.S. astronomer〛 a belt of icy debris orbiting in the outer solar system, thought to be the source of many comets * * * or Edgeworth Kuiper belt Disk shaped belt of billions of small, icy bodies orbiting … Universalium
Bell Rocket Belt — The Bell Rocket Belt is a low power rocket propulsion device that allows an individual to safely travel or leap over small distances. It is a type of rocket pack.OverviewIn the early 1960s, Bell Aerosystems built a rocket pack which it called the … Wikipedia
Classical Kuiper belt object — The orbits of various cubewanos compared to the orbit of Neptune (blue) and Pluto (pink) … Wikipedia
Escalator — For the album by Sam Gopal, see Escalator (album). Escalators in a Copenhagen Metro station, Denmark, 2007 Escalator in action, 2011 An e … Wikipedia
escalator — /es keuh lay teuhr/, n. 1. Also called moving staircase, moving stairway. a continuously moving stairway on an endless loop for carrying passengers up or down. 2. a means of rising or descending, increasing or decreasing, etc., esp. by stages:… … Universalium
Clyno — 1927 Clyno 12hp Developing from a motorcycle manufacturer, the Clyno Engineering Company (1922) Ltd, founded by Frank Smith, became the surprise success of British car manufacturing in the 1920s becoming the country s third largest car… … Wikipedia
Lehigh University engineering highlights — Engineering highlights = Lehigh University students, faculty and alumni have made significant contributions to the nation and the field of engineering, including:Columbia Space Shuttle Forensics analysis during a two day joint Lehigh NASA… … Wikipedia
Moving walkway — Moving sidewalk at Detroit s DTW airport, United States … Wikipedia
Solar System — This article is about the Sun and its planetary system. For other systems, see planetary system and star system. For a list of physical and orbital statistics for the Solar System s largest bodies, see List of gravitationally rounded objects of… … Wikipedia