impervious rock

impervious rock
плотная водонепроницаемая порода

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "impervious rock" в других словарях:

  • impervious — [[t]ɪmpɜ͟ː(r)viəs[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED: usu v link ADJ, usu ADJ to n If you are impervious to someone s actions, you are not affected or influenced by them. She seems almost impervious to the criticism from all sides... The political system there… …   English dictionary

  • Impervious surface — Impervious surfaces are mainly artificial structures, such as pavements, rooftops, sidewalks, roads, and parking lots covered by impenetrable materials such as asphalt, concrete, brick, and stone. Soils compacted by urban development are also… …   Wikipedia

  • Rock Creek (Potomac River) — Rock Creek is a free flowing tributary of the Potomac River, which empties into the Atlantic Ocean via the Chesapeake Bay. The creek is about 33 miles (53.1 km) long, with a drainage area of about 76.5 mi² (198 km²). The last quarter mile (402… …   Wikipedia

  • impervious — im|per|vi|ous [ımˈpə:viəs US ə:r ] adj [not before noun] [Date: 1600 1700; : Latin; Origin: impervius, from pervius allowing things to pass through , from per through + via way ] 1.) formal not affected or influenced by something and seeming not… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • impervious — adjective 1 not affected or influenced by something and seeming not to notice it (+ to): Janet carried on reading, impervious to the row going on around her. | He seems to be impervious to criticism. 2 not allowing anything to enter or pass… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • impervious — adj 1. impassable, impenetrable, impermeable, inaccessible, imperviable; jungly, jungled, overgrown; trackless, pathless, wayless, untrodden. 2. proof, resistant, tight, airtight, snug, compact, hermetic, hermetically sealed; closed, shut, locked …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • cap rock — noun : cap I 2a(3) * * * Geol. 1. a mass of anhydrite, gypsum, or limestone immediately above the salt of a salt dome. 2. an impervious stratum overlying an oil or gas bearing structure. Also, caprock. [1865 70, Amer.] * * * cap rock noun A… …   Useful english dictionary

  • cap rock — /ˈkæp rɒk/ (say kap rok) noun a layer of relatively hard or impervious rock which lies over some valuable deposit, as coal or an oil bearing rock. Also, caprock …  

  • cap rock — n. a relatively impervious rock layer immediately overlying a deposit of oil, gas, salt, etc …   English World dictionary

  • Red Rock Dam (Iowa) — Infobox Dam dam name= Red Rock Dam caption= (Army Corps of Engineers) official name= Red Rock Dam crosses= Des Moines River reservoir= Lake Red Rock locale= Marion County, Iowa maint= US Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District length=… …   Wikipedia

  • cap rock — Geol. 1. a mass of anhydrite, gypsum, or limestone immediately above the salt of a salt dome. 2. an impervious stratum overlying an oil or gas bearing structure. Also, caprock. [1865 70, Amer.] * * * …   Universalium

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