imbibition capillary pressure

imbibition capillary pressure
капиллярное давление при пропитке

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "imbibition capillary pressure" в других словарях:

  • Imbibition — is defined as the displacement of one fluid by another immiscible fluid. This process is controlled and affected by a variety of factors. The capillary number ( Ca ) and the mobility ratio ( M ) have the greatest importance. A classification of… …   Wikipedia

  • imbibition —    1. The absorption of a fluid, usually water, by a granular rock or other porous material, under the force of capillary attraction, and in the presence of pressure.    2. Fluid displacement in porous media as a result of capillary forces only… …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • oncotic pressure — (ˈ)än]|käd.ik , (ˈ)äŋ] noun Etymology: oncotic probably International Scientific Vocabulary onco (I) + tic (as in osmotic) : the pressure exerted by plasma proteins on the capillary wall and made up of the osmotic and imbibition pressures of the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Relative permeability — In multiphase flow in porous media, relative permeability is a dimensionless measure of the effective permeability of each phase. It can be viewed as an adaptation of Darcy s law to multiphase flow. For two phase flow in porous media given steady …   Wikipedia

  • Skin grafting — is a type of medical grafting involving the transplantation of skin. The transplanted tissue is called a skin graft.Skin grafting is often used to treat: *Extensive wounding or trauma *Burns *Areas of prior infection with extensive skin loss… …   Wikipedia

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