- ignimbrite
- петр. игнимбрит
* * *• игнимбрит• игнимбритовый• спекающий туф
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Ignimbrite — is a volcanic pyroclastic rock, often of dacitic or rhyolitic composition. Ignimbrite is the deposit of a pumice rich pyroclastic density current, or pyroclastic flow , a hot suspension of particles and gases that flows rapidly from a volcano,… … Wikipedia
ignimbrite — ● ignimbrite nom féminin (du latin imber, bris, pluie) Roche volcanique constituée de débris dacitiques à rhyolitiques soudés à chaud. (Elle résulte de l éruption explosive d un magma très visqueux et riche en gaz et présente un aspect hétérogène … Encyclopédie Universelle
Ignimbrite — Bloc d ignimbrite Ignimbrite observée au microscope. Le verr … Wikipédia en Français
ignimbrite — noun Etymology: German Ignimbrit, from Latin ignis + imbr (from imber rain) + German it 1 ite more at imbricate Date: 1932 a hard rock formed by solidification of chiefly fine deposits of volcanic ash … New Collegiate Dictionary
ignimbrite — /ig nim bruyt /, n. Petrol. a fine grained volcanic rock consisting mainly of welded shards of feldspar and quartz. Also called welded tuff. [1932; < L ign(is) fire + imbr , s. of imber rain, shower + ITE1] * * * rock composed of compacted… … Universalium
ignimbrite — noun A deposit left by the pyroclastic flow from a volcano, consisting of ash, pumice lapilli, and lithic fragments … Wiktionary
ignimbrite — i·gnim·brì·te s.f. TS petr. roccia eruttiva effusiva formatasi in seguito al consolidamento di materiale piroclastico vetroso fuoriuscito nel corso di un eruzione {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: sec. XX. ETIMO: der. di igni e del lat. imber pioggia con… … Dizionario italiano
ignimbrite — n. thin grained volcanic rock mainly composed of welded fragments of quartz and feldspar … English contemporary dictionary
ignimbrite — ALASKA VOLCANO OBSERVATORY GLOSSARY The rock formed by the widespread deposition and consolidation of ash flows and Nuees Ardentes. The term was originally applied only to densely welded deposits but now includes non welded deposits. GLOSSARY OF… … Glossary of volcanic terms
ignimbrite — [ ɪgnɪmbrʌɪt] noun Geology a volcanic rock formed by the consolidation of material deposited by pyroclastic flows. Origin 1930s: from L. ignis fire + imber, imbr shower of rain, storm cloud + ite1 … English new terms dictionary
ignimbrite — ig·nim·brite … English syllables