igneous province

igneous province
магматическая провинция

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "igneous province" в других словарях:

  • Large igneous province — Only a few of the largest Large Igneous Provinces are indicated (by the dark purple areas) on this geological map, which depicts crustal geologic provinces as seen in seismic refraction data. A Large Igneous Province (LIP) is an extremely large… …   Wikipedia

  • North Atlantic Igneous Province — The North Atlantic Igneous Province (NAIP) is a large igneous province estimated to be at least 1.3×106 km2 in area and 6.6×106 km3 in volume.[1] Geographically, the NAIP makes up all of the North Atlantic Ocean as well as the Paleocene and… …   Wikipedia

  • Large Igneous Province — Karoo Basalt, eine magmatische Großprovinz in Südafrika Eine Magmatische Großprovinz, mit dem englischen Ausdruck meist Large Igneous Province (LIP) genannt, ist ein Gebiet der Erdkruste, das sehr große Mengen magmatischer Gesteine enthält (bis… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Marathon Large Igneous Province — The Marathon Large Igneous Province is a Paleoproterozoic large igneous province along the southern Superior craton of Ontario, Canada, located around the northern margin of Lake Superior. It consists of three diabase dike swarms known as… …   Wikipedia

  • Caribbean large igneous province — The Caribbean large igneous province consists of a major flood basalt, which created this large igneous province. It the source of the current large eastern Pacific oceanic plateau, of which the Caribbean Colombian oceanic plateau is the… …   Wikipedia

  • High Arctic Large Igneous Province — The High Arctic Large Igneous Province (HALIP) is a major Late Cretaceous large igneous province located in the Arctic. It includes the Ellesmere Island Volcanics, Strand Fiord Formation, Alpha Ridge, Franz Josef Land and Svalbard. [ [http://maps …   Wikipedia

  • Igneous rock — Geologic provinces of the world (USGS)   Shield …   Wikipedia

  • Province géologique de Basin and Range — 33° N 112° W / 33, 112 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Central Atlantic Magmatic Province — The Central Atlantic magmatic province (CAMP) was formed during the breakup of Pangaea during the Mesozoic Era. The initial breakup of Pangaea in early Jurassic time provided a legacy of basaltic dikes, sills, and lavas over a vast area around… …   Wikipedia

  • Grande province ignée — Une grande province ignée est la conséquence d une expulsion colossale de flots de basalte qui recouvre d une couche épaisse et plane de très grands secteurs, jusqu à des parties entières d un continent. Bien que non explosifs, les gaz et la… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Geologic province — A geologic or geomorphic province is a spatial entity with common geologic/geomorphic attributes. A province may include a single dominant structural element such as a basin or a fold belt, or a number of contiguous related elements. Adjoining… …   Wikipedia

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