- igneous interstices
пустоты огненного происхождения
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
feldspar — /feld spahr , fel /, n. any of a group of minerals, principally aluminosilicates of potassium, sodium, and calcium, characterized by two cleavages at nearly right angles: one of the most important constituents of igneous rocks. Also, felspar.… … Universalium
feldspathoid — /feld spa thoyd , fel /, Mineral. adj. 1. Also, feldspathoidal. of or pertaining to a group of minerals similar in chemical composition to certain feldspars except for a lower silica content. n. 2. a mineral of this group, as nepheline. [1895… … Universalium
Micrographic texture — In petrology, micrographic texture is a fine grained intergrowth of quartz and alkali feldspar, interpreted as the last product of crystallization in some igneous rocks which contain high or moderately high percentages of silica. Micropegmatite… … Wikipedia
garnet — garnetlike, adj. /gahr nit/, n. 1. any of a group of hard, vitreous minerals, silicates of calcium, magnesium, iron, or manganese with aluminum or iron, varying in color: a deep red transparent variety is used as a gem and as an abrasive. 2. a… … Universalium
Garnet — /gahr nit/, n. Henry Highland, 1815 82, U.S. clergyman and abolitionist. * * * Any of a group of common silicate minerals with identical crystal structure but highly variable chemical composition. Garnets are most often found in metamorphic rocks … Universalium
filter-pressing — Process that occurs during crystallization of certain igneous rocks, in which liquid is separated from the crystals by pressure. As the crystals grow and accumulate in magma, a crystal mesh may be formed. Pressure applied by the weight of… … Universalium
oxide mineral — Any naturally occurring inorganic compound with a structure based on close packed oxygen atoms in which smaller, positively charged metal or other ions occur. Oxide minerals are common in all rock types, whether igneous, sedimentary, or… … Universalium
meteorite — meteoritic /mee tee euh rit ik/, meteoritical, meteorital /mee tee euh ruyt l/, adj. /mee tee euh ruyt /, n. 1. a mass of stone or metal that has reached the earth from outer space; a fallen meteoroid. 2. a meteoroid. [1815 25; METEOR + ITE1] * * … Universalium
mountain — mountainless, adj. /mown tn/, n. 1. a natural elevation of the earth s surface rising more or less abruptly to a summit, and attaining an altitude greater than that of a hill, usually greater than 2000 ft. (610 m). 2. a large mass of something… … Universalium
Géologie de la planète Mars — La géologie de la planète Mars, parfois appelée aréologie[1], recouvre l étude scientifique de Mars et de ses propriétés physiques, de ses reliefs, de sa composition, de son histoire, et de tous les phénomènes qui ont affecté ou affectent encore… … Wikipédia en Français
connate water — Water entrapped in the interstices of a sedimentary or extrusive igneous rock at the time of its deposition [22] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology