- idle running
холостой ход
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
idle running — tuščioji veika statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. idle running; light running; no load conditions vok. Leergang, m; Leerlauf, m; Leerlaufzustand, m rus. режим холостого хода, m; холостой ход, m pranc. marche à vide, f; régime à vide, m;… … Fizikos terminų žodynas
idle running — movement that does not cause action, futile movement … English contemporary dictionary
Idle speed — is the minimum operating speed (generally measured in revolutions per minute, or rpm, of the crankshaft) of a combustion engine. At idle speed, the engine generates enough power to run reasonably smoothly and operate its ancillaries (water pump,… … Wikipedia
Idle — For other meanings, including people named Idle, see Idle (disambiguation). Idle is a term which generally refers to a lack of motion and/or energy. Uses In describing a person or machine, idle means the act of doing nothing or no work (for… … Wikipedia
idle — [[t]a͟ɪd(ə)l[/t]] idles, idling, idled 1) ADJ: v link ADJ If people who were working are idle, they have no jobs or work. Employees have been idle almost a month because of shortages. Ant: busy 2) ADJ: v link ADJ If machines or factories are idle … English dictionary
idle — {{11}}idle (adj.) O.E. idel empty, void; vain; worthless, useless; not employed, common West Germanic (Cf. O.S. idal, O.Fris. idel empty, worthless, O.Du. idil, O.H.G. ital, Ger. eitel vain, useless, mere, pure ), of unknown origin. Idle threats… … Etymology dictionary
Running up the score — In sport in the United States, running up the score is continuing to play hard to score more points after the opposing player or team has already conceded enough to make victory practically certain. In most circumstances it is considered poor… … Wikipedia
idle pulley — noun a pulley on a shaft that presses against a guide belt to guide or tighten it • Syn: ↑idler pulley, ↑idle wheel • Hypernyms: ↑pulley, ↑pulley block, ↑pulley block, ↑block * * * Mach. a loose pulley made to press or rest on a belt in order to … Useful english dictionary
idle circuit — At idle and low speeds, the carburetor system supplies enough fuel to the engine to keep it running. When the vehicle gets up to speed (usually about 24 kph or 15 mph) the idle circuit kicks out of operation so that fuel is supplied by the main… … Dictionary of automotive terms
idle — Synonyms and related words: abortive, absurd, airy, amble, ambling, asinine, asleep, at a standstill, at anchor, at leisure, at liberty, at loose ends, available, baseless, be a sideliner, be still, bootless, brogue, bum, bum around, catchpenny,… … Moby Thesaurus
idle time — When a computer is not being used. This refers to either a computer running a BBS that is not busy, or a caller that is not typing anything or receiving anything. Some BBS s will hang up a user if there is a certain amount of idle time (such as a … Dictionary of telecommunications