- hydrocarbon in-place
геологические/балансовые запасы углеводородов
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Hydrocarbon exploration — Onshore Drilling Rig Hydrocarbon exploration (or oil and gas exploration) is the search by petroleum geologists and geophysicists for hydrocarbon deposits beneath the Earth s surface, such as oil and natural gas. Oil and gas exploration are… … Wikipedia
Hydrocarbon dew point — The hydrocarbon dew point is the temperature (at a given pressure) at which the hydrocarbon components of any hydrocarbon rich gas mixture, such as natural gas, will start to condense out of the gaseous phase. It is often also referred to as the… … Wikipedia
Hydrocarbon — Ball and stick model of the methane molecule, CH4. Methane is part of a homologous series known as the alkanes, which contain single bonds only. In organic chemistry, a hydrocarbon is an organic compound consisting entirely of hydrogen and carbon … Wikipedia
Oil in place — is the total hydrocarbon content of an oil reservoir and is often abbreviated STOOIP, which stands for Stock Tank Original Oil In Place, or STOIIP for Stock Tank Oil Initially In Place, referring to the oil in place before the commencement of… … Wikipedia
Effective porosity — The term effective porosity lacks a single or straightforward definition. Even some of the terms used in its mathematical description (“Vcl” and “Vsh”) have multiple definitions. However, it is most commonly considered to represent the porosity… … Wikipedia
Carbon tax — Part of a series on Green economics Concepts … Wikipedia
petroleum refining — Introduction conversion of crude oil into useful products. History Distillation of kerosene and naphtha The refining of crude petroleum owes its origin to the successful drilling of the first oil well in Titusville, Pa., in 1859. Prior to… … Universalium
Cracking (chemistry) — In petroleum geology and chemistry, cracking is the process whereby complex organic molecules such as kerogens or heavy hydrocarbons are broken down into simpler molecules such as light hydrocarbons, by the breaking of carbon carbon bonds in the… … Wikipedia
chemical industry — Introduction complex of processes, operations, and organizations engaged in the manufacture of chemicals and their derivatives. Although the chemical industry may be described simply as the industry that uses chemistry and… … Universalium
Abiogenic petroleum origin — is a largely abandoned hypothesis that was proposed as an alternative to theory of biological petroleum origin. It was relatively popular in the past, but it went largely forgotten at the end of the 20th century after it failed to predict the… … Wikipedia
Glossary of fuel cell terms — The Glossary of fuel cell terms lists the definitions of many terms used within the fuel cell industry. The terms in this glossary may be used by fuel cell industry associations, in education material and fuel cell codes and standards to name but … Wikipedia