- hydraulic fracturing
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Hydraulic fracturing — is a method used to create fractures that extend from a borehole into rock formations, which are typically maintained by a proppant. The method is informally called fracing or hydrofrac. The technique is used to increase or restore the rate which … Wikipedia
Hydraulic Fracturing — refers to the procedure of creating fractures in rocks and rock formations by injecting a mixture of sand and water into the cracks to force underground to open further. The larger fissures allow more oil and gas to flow out of the formation and… … Investment dictionary
Hydraulic fracturing — Fracturing of rock at depth with fluid pressure. Hydraulic fracturing at depth may be accomplished by pumping water into a well at very high pressures. Under natural conditions, vapor pressure may rise high enough to cause fracturing in a… … Energy terms
Hydraulic Fracturing — Schiefergasbohrung im Pinedale Anticline Hydraulic Fracturing (engl.: to fracture = aufbrechen, aufreißen; auch „Fracking“[1], „Hydrofracking“, „Fraccing“[2], „Frac ing“ [3] oder „Frac Jobs“ genannt … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hydraulic fracturing — is fractures formation in gas , oil , water saturated and other rocks under the pressure of the fed fluid. The operation is performed in a well in order to increase extraction rates by means of the multi hole drainage system made as a result of… … Glossary of Oil and Gas
hydraulic fracturing — noun A technique in which a mixture of water and sand is forced down an oil well (or similar) in order to create fractures in the oil bearing rock and thus release more oil. Syn: fracing, fracking, hydrofracking … Wiktionary
hydraulic fracturing — The formation of artificial fractures in rock systems around a well by high pressure fluid injections [16] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
hydraulic fracturing — /haɪˌdrɒlɪk ˈfræktʃərɪŋ/ (say huy.drolik frakchuhring) noun (in oil and gas mining) a process by which fractures are made in rock by the application under pressure of chemically treated water mixed with sand to natural or man made openings in… …
hydraulic fracturing — … Useful english dictionary
Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals Act — (parfois surnommé loi FRAC) (USBill no 111 et 1215, respectivement pour la chambre et le Sénat) [1],[2] est le nom d’un projet de loi qui, aux États Unis, viserait à imposer aux représentants de l’Industrie du pétrole et du gaz de divulguer… … Wikipédia en Français
Hydraulisches Aufbrechen der Schicht — Hydraulic fracturing – ist die Erzeugung von Rissen in den mit Gas, Erdöl und Wasser gesättigten Gesteinsfeldern und sonstigen Gesteinen durch das Einpressen von Flüssigkeit unter hohem Druck. Dieser Vorgang wird im Bohrloch durchgeführt, um die… … Glossar von Öl und Gas