- hydrated stannic
кристаллическое хлорное олово
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
stannic acid — noun Etymology: probably from French acide stannique : any of various amorphous acid substances that behave like hydrates of stannic oxide and yield stannic oxide when calcined: as a. : a highly hydrated substance obtainable as a gelatinous… … Useful english dictionary
Tin dioxide — chembox new ImageFile = Rutile unit cell 3D balls.png ImageSize = 150px IUPACName = Tin(IV) oxide SystematicName = OtherNames = stannic oxide, tin(IV) oxide, stannic oxide, stannic anhydride, flowers of tin Section1 = Chembox Identifiers… … Wikipedia
List of alchemical substances — Alchemical studies produced a number of substances, which were later classified as particular chemical compounds or mixtures of compounds.Many of these terms were in common use into the 20th century.* Aqua Fortis nitric acid, can be formed by 2… … Wikipedia
Tin(II) chloride — IUPAC name Tin(II) chloride Tin dichloride … Wikipedia
Stannous hydroxide — Chembox new ImageFile = ImageName = OtherNames = Tin (II) hydroxide Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 12026 24 3 Section2 = Chembox Properties Formula = Sn(OH)2 MolarMass = 152.73 g/mol Density = Solvent = other solvents SolubleOther =… … Wikipedia