- hyalopilitic
- гиалопилитовый
* * *гиалопилитовый
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Hyalopilitic — is a textural term used in petrographic classification of volcanic rocks. Specifically, hyalopilitic refers to a volcanic rock groundmass, which is visible only under magnification with a petrographic microscope, that contains a mixture of very… … Wikipedia
hyalopilitic — |hīə(ˌ)lōˌpī|lid.ik adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary hyalopilit (from German hyalopilitisch hyalopilitic, from hyal + Greek pilos felt + German it ite + isch ish, from Old High German isc) + … Useful english dictionary
hyalopilitic — adjective A textural term used in petrographic classification of volcanic rocks, referring to a volcanic rock groundmass, which is visible only under magnification with a petrographic microscope, that contains a mixture of very fine grained… … Wiktionary
hyalopilitic — hy·a·lo·pi·lit·ic … English syllables
υαλοπιλητικός — ή, ό, Ν φρ. «υαλοπιλητικός ιστός» (πετρογρ.) ιστός εκρηξιγενούς πετρώματος που αποτελείται από μικροσκοπικούς βελονοειδείς κρυστάλλους διασπαρμένους μέσα σε υαλώδη θεμελιώδη μάζα. [ΕΤΥΜΟΛ. Νόθο αντιδάνειο, πρβλ. hyalopilitic (< ύαλος + πίλημα) … Dictionary of Greek