- hyaloclastite
- гиалокластит (обломочный материал, напоминающий туф)
* * *гиалокластит
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Hyaloclastite — is a hydrated tuff like breccia rich in black volcanic glass, formed during volcanic eruptions under water or under ice. It has the appearance of angular flat fragments sized between a millimeter to few centimeters. The fragmentation occurs by… … Wikipedia
hyaloclastite — ● hyaloclastite nom féminin Roche volcanique fragmentée, produite lors de la rencontre brutale d une coulée de lave avec de l eau … Encyclopédie Universelle
Hyaloclastite — De la lave pahoehoe pénètre dans le Pacifique au Parc national des volcans d Hawaï Une hyaloclastite est une brèche ayant la consistance d un tuf, riche en morceaux de verre volcanique sombre, qui se forme lorsque des éruptions volcaniques se… … Wikipédia en Français
hyaloclastite — GLOSSARY OF VOLCANIC TERMS A deposit comprising small, angular glass fragments formed by nonexplosive shattering of lava or magma flowing into water, ice, or water saturated sediment (Batiza and White, 2000, p. 361: Schmidt and Schmincke, 2000, p … Glossary of volcanic terms
pillow hyaloclastite — GLOSSARY OF VOLCANIC TERMS Hyaloclastite deposits immediately surrounding, and intimately associated with, pillow lavas … Glossary of volcanic terms
Mount Cayley volcanic field — Coordinates: 50°07′13″N 123°17′26″W / 50.12028°N 123.29056°W / 50.12028; 123.29056 … Wikipedia
Subglacial eruption — A subglacial eruption is a volcanic eruption that has occurred under ice, or under a glacier. Subglacial eruptions can cause dangerous floods, lahars and create hyaloclastite and pillow lava. Only five of these types of eruptions have been… … Wikipedia
Mount Edziza volcanic complex — Mount Edziza, one of the main volcanoes of the Mount Edziza volcanic complex Elevation … Wikipedia
Palagonite — Les plages de Moya, au nord est de Petite Terre à Mayotte, sont bordées de falaises à palagonite qui témoignent d un volcanisme qui s est manifesté à la surface de l océan … Wikipédia en Français
Brown Bluff — is a tuya located at the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica. It formed in the past 1 million years, which erupted subglacially within an englacial lake. The volcano s original diameter is thought to have been about 12 15… … Wikipedia
Obsidian — For other uses, see Obsidian (disambiguation). Obsidian Obsidian from Lake Cou … Wikipedia