- humic degradation matter
• гуминовое вещество• красно-бурое вещество
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Humic acid — is one of the major components of humic substances [http://www.ihss.gatech.edu/whatarehs.html] which are dark brown and major constituents of soil organic matter humus that contributes to soil chemical and physical quality and are also precursors … Wikipedia
sedimentary rock — Rock formed at or near the Earth s surface by the accumulation and lithification of fragments of preexisting rocks or by precipitation from solution at normal surface temperatures. Sedimentary rocks can be formed only where sediments are… … Universalium
Soil — For other uses, see Soil (disambiguation). A represents soil; B represents laterite, a regolith; C represents saprolite, a less weathered regolith; the bottommost layer represents bedrock … Wikipedia
soil — soil1 soilless, adj. /soyl/, n. 1. the portion of the earth s surface consisting of disintegrated rock and humus. 2. a particular kind of earth: sandy soil. 3. the ground as producing vegetation or as cultivated for its crops: fertile soil. 4. a… … Universalium
Canadian system of soil classification — The Canadian system of soil classification is more closely related to the American system than any other. They differ in several ways. The Canadian system is designed to cover only Canadian soils. The Canadian system dispenses with a sub order… … Wikipedia
Tannin — For other uses, see Tannin (demon). Tannic acid … Wikipedia
Colloid — Milk is an emulsified colloid of liquid butterfat globules dispersed within a water based solution. A colloid is a substance microscopically dispersed evenly throughout another substance.[1] A colloidal system consists of two separate phases: a… … Wikipedia
Terra preta — (“dark soil” in Portuguese) refers to expanses of very dark, fertile anthropogenic soils found in the Amazon Basin. It owes its name to its very high charcoal content. It is also known as “Amazonian dark earth” or “Indian black earth”. In… … Wikipedia
Compost — ( /ˈ … Wikipedia
Uranium in the environment — Uranium in the environment, this page is about the science of uranium in the environment and in animals (including humans). The legal and social issues associated with uranium are discussed elsewhere. This page is a subpage of actinides in the… … Wikipedia
Composting — Portalpar|Sustainable development|Sustainable development.svgComposting is the aerobic decomposition of biodegradable organic matter, producing compost. (Or in a simpler form: Composting is the decaying of food, mostly vegetables or manure.) The… … Wikipedia