- hot blast
извержение горячих газов
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Hot blast — refers to the preheating of air blown into a blast furnace or other metallurgical process. This has the result of considerably reducing the fuel consumed in the process. This was invented and patented for iron furnaces by James Beaumont Neilson… … Wikipedia
Hot blast — See under {Blast}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hot blast — noun A blast of heated air • • • Main Entry: ↑hot … Useful english dictionary
hot-blast drying — «HOT BLAST», a method of drying vegetables by forcing hot air over them … Useful english dictionary
hot blast — noun preheated air blown into a blast furnace … Wiktionary
hot-blast stove — noun : an apparatus used to preheat the blast for an iron blast furnace and consisting of firebrick passages which alternately receive heat from burning gas and then give up this heat to the incoming blast … Useful english dictionary
hot-blast valve — Смотри клапан горячего дутья … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
Blast — (bl[.a]st), n. [AS. bl[=ae]st a puff of wind, a blowing; akin to Icel. bl[=a]str, OHG. bl[=a]st, and fr. a verb akin to Icel. bl[=a]sa to blow, OHG. bl[^a]san, Goth. bl[=e]san (in comp.); all prob. from the same root as E. blow. See {Blow} to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Blast furnace — Blast Blast (bl[.a]st), n. [AS. bl[=ae]st a puff of wind, a blowing; akin to Icel. bl[=a]str, OHG. bl[=a]st, and fr. a verb akin to Icel. bl[=a]sa to blow, OHG. bl[^a]san, Goth. bl[=e]san (in comp.); all prob. from the same root as E. blow. See… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Blast hole — Blast Blast (bl[.a]st), n. [AS. bl[=ae]st a puff of wind, a blowing; akin to Icel. bl[=a]str, OHG. bl[=a]st, and fr. a verb akin to Icel. bl[=a]sa to blow, OHG. bl[^a]san, Goth. bl[=e]san (in comp.); all prob. from the same root as E. blow. See… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Blast nozzle — Blast Blast (bl[.a]st), n. [AS. bl[=ae]st a puff of wind, a blowing; akin to Icel. bl[=a]str, OHG. bl[=a]st, and fr. a verb akin to Icel. bl[=a]sa to blow, OHG. bl[^a]san, Goth. bl[=e]san (in comp.); all prob. from the same root as E. blow. See… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English