- horny
• газовый уголь низкого качества• роговиковый• рогообразный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Horny — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Franz Horny (1798–1824), deutscher Maler der Romantik Konrad Horny (1764–1807), deutscher Maler, Zeichner und Kupferstecher Siehe auch: Fred Wesley the Horny Horns, US amerikanische Band (Bläser Team)… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Horny — is an adjective that can describe any one of the following conditions * An animal that possesses a horn * A slang term for sexual arousal and/or desiring sexual gratification * Having a rough, knobbly surface e.g., a horny skin, found in some… … Wikipedia
Horny — Horn y, a. [Compar. {Hornier}; superl. {Horniest}.] 1. Having horns or hornlike projections. Gay. [1913 Webster] 2. Composed or made of horn, or of a substance resembling horn; of the nature of horn. The horny . . . coat of the eye. Ray. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
horny — [hôr′nē] adj. hornier, horniest [ME] 1. of, like, or made of horn 2. having horns 3. toughened and calloused [horny hands] 4. [< horn, erect penis] Slang a) … English World dictionary
horny — lustful, sexually aroused, definitely in use 1889, perhaps attested as early as 1863; from late 18c. slang expression to have the horn, suggestive of male sexual excitement (but eventually applied to women as well); see HORN (Cf. horn) … Etymology dictionary
horny — [adj] sexually aroused concupiscent, desiring, hard up, hot*, hot to trot*, lascivious, libidinous, lustful, oversexed, passionate, randy, turned on; concept 372 … New thesaurus
horny — ► ADJECTIVE (hornier, horniest) 1) of or like horn. 2) hard and rough. 3) informal sexually aroused or arousing. DERIVATIVES horniness noun … English terms dictionary
horny — [[t]hɔ͟ː(r)ni[/t]] hornier, horniest 1) ADJ GRADED If you describe someone as horny, you mean that they are sexually aroused or that they easily become sexually aroused. [INFORMAL] But don t you get frustrated sometimes? I mean, don t you get a… … English dictionary
horny — Of the nature or structure of horn. SYN: keratinous (2). * * * horny hȯr nē adj, horn·i·er; est 1 a) composed of or resembling tough fibrous material consisting chiefly of keratin: KERATINOUS <horny tissue> <after the horny material has … Medical dictionary
horny — horn|y [ˈho:ni US ˈho:rni] adj 1.) informal sexually excited ▪ feeling horny 2.) informal sexually attractive ▪ I think he s horny. 3.) skin that is horny is hard and rough 4.) made of a hard substance like horn ▪ the bird s horny beak … Dictionary of contemporary English
horny — 1. the devil He has horns on his head. Usually old horny, hornie, horney, or hoorny: Should Hornie, as in ancient days, Mang sons o God present him. (Burns, 1786) In 19th century Ireland, it was also an abusive word for a policeman.… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms