- horizontal intensity
• горизонтальная составляющая направления земного магнетизма• горизонтальное напряжение
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
horizontal intensity — /hɒrəˌzɒntl ɪnˈtɛnsəti/ (say horuh.zontl in tensuhtee) noun the component of the earth s magnetic field which acts in a horizontal direction; equal to the product of the total intensity and the cosine of the angle of dip …
horizontal intensity — noun : the horizontal component of the intensity of the earth s magnetic field … Useful english dictionary
Horizontal cell — Horizontal cells are the laterally interconnecting neurons in the outer plexiform layer of the retina of mammalian eyes. They help integrate and regulate the input from multiple photoreceptor cells. Among their functions, horizontal cells are… … Wikipedia
China Seismic Intensity Scale — The China Seismic Intensity Scale (CSIS) is a national standard in the People s Republic of China[1] used to measure seismic intensity. Similar to EMS 92 on which CSIS drew reference, seismic impacts are classified into 12 degrees of intensity,… … Wikipedia
high-intensity light — A runway or threshold light whose main beam provides a minimum intensity of 12,000 candlepower in white light through a vertical angle of 3° and a horizontal angle of 6°. Typical above ground high intensity runway light units … Aviation dictionary
Equatorial electrojet — thumb|400px|A snap shot of the Earth’s magnetic field at 400 Km altitude due to the ionsopheric current systems. The equatorial intensification of the magnetic field is due to Equatorial Electrojet (EEJ). EEJ peaks over Indian ocean region at… … Wikipedia
Geomagnetic storm — This article is about disturbances within Earth s magnetosphere. For other uses of magnetic storm , see Magnetic storm (disambiguation). Solar particles interact with Earth s magnetosphere. A geomagnetic storm is a temporary disturbance of the… … Wikipedia
isodynamic — /uy soh duy nam ik, di /, adj. 1. pertaining to or characterized by equality of force, intensity, or the like. 2. noting or pertaining to an imaginary line on the earth s surface connecting points of equal horizontal intensity of the earth s… … Universalium
magnetic resonance — Absorption or emission of electromagnetic radiation by electrons or atomic nuclei in response to certain magnetic fields. The principles of magnetic resonance are used to study the atomic and nuclear properties of matter; two common laboratory… … Universalium
isodynamic — /ˌaɪsoʊdaɪˈnæmɪk/ (say .uysohduy namik), / də / (say duh ) adjective 1. relating to or characterised by equality of force, intensity, or the like. 2. denoting or relating to a line on the earth s surface connecting points of equal horizontal… …
Carl Friedrich Gauss — Infobox Scientist box width = 300px name = Carl Friedrich Gauss caption = Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777 1855), painted by Christian Albrecht Jensen birth date = birth date|1777|4|30|df=y birth place = Braunschweig, Electorate of Brunswick… … Wikipedia