- horizontal datum
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
datum level — datum line, datum level or datum plane noun The horizontal baseline from which heights and depths are measured • • • Main Entry: ↑datum * * * datum level, datum line, datum plane, or … Useful english dictionary
datum plane — datum line, datum level or datum plane noun The horizontal baseline from which heights and depths are measured • • • Main Entry: ↑datum * * * datum level, datum line, datum plane, or … Useful english dictionary
datum line — datum line, datum level or datum plane noun The horizontal baseline from which heights and depths are measured • • • Main Entry: ↑datum … Useful english dictionary
Datum — Da tum, n.; pl. {Data}. [L. See 2d {Date}.] 1. Something given or admitted; a fact or principle granted; that upon which an inference or an argument is based; used chiefly in the plural. [1913 Webster] Any writer, therefore, who . . . furnishes… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Datum line — Datum Da tum, n.; pl. {Data}. [L. See 2d {Date}.] 1. Something given or admitted; a fact or principle granted; that upon which an inference or an argument is based; used chiefly in the plural. [1913 Webster] Any writer, therefore, who . . .… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Datum (geodesy) — Geodesy Fundamentals Geodesy · … Wikipedia
Datum géodésique — Système géodésique Un système géodésique est un système de référence permettant d exprimer les positions au voisinage de la Terre. Sommaire 1 Définition 1.1 Système de coordonnées cartésiennes 1.2 Système de coordonnées géodésiques (ou… … Wikipédia en Français
datum — /day teuhm, dat euhm, dah teuhm/, n., pl. data /day teuh, dat euh, dah teuh/ for 1 3, datums for 4, 5. 1. a single piece of information, as a fact, statistic, or code; an item of data. 2. Philos. a. any fact assumed to be a matter of direct… … Universalium
reference datum — An imaginary vertical plane at or near the nose of an aircraft from which all horizontal distances are measured for balance purposes. Also called the balance station zero. See datum or datum line … Aviation dictionary
reference datum — As used in the loading of aircraft, an imaginary vertical plane at or near the nose of the aircraft from which all horizontal distances are measured for balance purposes. Diagrams of each aircraft show this reference datum as “balance station… … Military dictionary
inner horizontal surface — An imaginary surface located in the horizontal plane above an airport at a designated height above an established datum. See initial approach surface … Aviation dictionary