- homogenisation
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
homogenisation — (Brit.) n. blending of dissimilar elements; process of making similar, unification; process by which fat droplets are equally distributed throughout an emulsion such as in milk (also homogenization) … English contemporary dictionary
homogenisation — British variant of homogenization … New Collegiate Dictionary
Homogenisation — Unter Homogenisierung versteht man allgemein die Schaffung einer homogenen, das heißt möglichst gleichartigen und gleichmäßigen Struktur eines realen oder virtuellen Objekts. Meist ist damit eine gleichmäßige Vermischung verschiedener, nicht… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Homogenisation — Ho|mo|ge|ni|sa|ti|on, Ho|mo|ge|ni|sie|rung: 1) in Chemie u. Biochemie die Herst. stabiler homogener Systeme aus mehreren, ggf. unterschiedlichen Phasen angehörenden Komponenten, z. B. die Herst. von homogenen Gemischen, Suspensionen u.… … Universal-Lexikon
Homogenisation — Ho|mo|ge|ni|sa|ti|on die; , en <zu ↑...isation> svw. ↑Homogenisierung; vgl. ↑...ation/...ierung … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
homogenisation — noun the act of making something homogeneous or uniform in composition the homogenization of cream the network s homogenization of political news • Syn: ↑homogenization • Derivationally related forms: ↑homogenise, ↑homogenize ( … Useful english dictionary
homogenisations — homogenisation (Brit.) n. blending of dissimilar elements; process of making similar, unification; process by which fat droplets are equally distributed throughout an emulsion such as in milk (also homogenization) … English contemporary dictionary
homogenise — verb 1. break up the fat globules of homogenized milk • Syn: ↑homogenize • Ant: ↑curdle, ↑curdle (for: ↑homogenize) • Derivation … Useful english dictionary
Homogenization — (or homogenisation) is a term used in many fields such as chemistry, agricultural science, food technology, sociology and cell biology. Homogenization is a term connoting a process that makes a mixture the same throughout the entire… … Wikipedia
Ethnic groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina — Ethnic map of BIH before Bosnian War, 1991. Bosnian Croats Blue, Bosnian Muslims Green, Bosnian Serbs Red. More than 95% of population of Bosnia and Herzegovina belongs to one of its three constitutive ethnic groups: Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats .… … Wikipedia
Black-metal — Origines stylistiques Thrash metal Heavy metal Origines culturelles … Wikipédia en Français