- hole blow
• выброс воды или породы при взрыве в скважине• выброс воды при взрыве в скважине• выброс породы при взрыве в скважине
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
hole — hole1 [ houl ] noun count *** 1. ) a space dug in the surface of the ground: Workers dug a 30 foot hole in the ground. rabbit/mouse hole: a field containing several rabbit holes a ) a small space in the ground for hitting the ball into in golf.… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
blow — [bləʊ ǁ bloʊ] verb blew PASTTENSE [bluː] blown PASTPART [bləʊn ǁ bloʊn] [transitive] 1. informal if you blow money on something, you spend a lot of money on it, often money that you cannot afford: • He blew his wages on a new stereo … Financial and business terms
blow a hole in something — blow/make a hole in (something) if something makes a hole in an amount of money, it takes a lot of that money to pay for it. The trip made a hole in our savings, but it was worth it. The new tax is likely to blow an enormous hole in our profits … New idioms dictionary
blow a hole in — blow/make a hole in (something) if something makes a hole in an amount of money, it takes a lot of that money to pay for it. The trip made a hole in our savings, but it was worth it. The new tax is likely to blow an enormous hole in our profits … New idioms dictionary
blow a hole in sth — ► to cause serious harm or damage to something: »Defeat would blow a hole in the club s finances. Main Entry: ↑blow … Financial and business terms
blow a hole in something — blow a hole in (something) if you blow a hole in someone s opinions or arguments, you show that they are not true or right. Bloodstains on the sheets blew a hole in the defence s argument … New idioms dictionary
blow a hole in — (something) if you blow a hole in someone s opinions or arguments, you show that they are not true or right. Bloodstains on the sheets blew a hole in the defence s argument … New idioms dictionary
blow|hole — «BLOH HOHL», noun. 1. a hole for breathing, in the top of the head of whales, porpoises, and dolphins. 2. a hole in the ice to which whales, seals, and walruses come to breathe. 3. a hole through which air or gas escapes or can escape. 4. a… … Useful english dictionary
blow-hole — n 1.) a hole in the surface of ice where water animals such as ↑seals come to breathe 2.) a hole in the top of the head of a ↑whale, ↑dolphin etc through which they breathe … Dictionary of contemporary English
blow — 1. v. & n. v. (past blew; past part. blown) 1 a intr. (of the wind or air, or impersonally) move along; act as an air current (it was blowing hard). b intr. be driven by an air current (waste paper blew along the gutter). c tr. drive with an air… … Useful english dictionary
Blow molding — The blow molding process Blow molding (also known as blow moulding or blow forming) is a manufacturing process by which hollow plastic parts are formed. In general, there are three main types of blow molding: extrusion blow molding, injection… … Wikipedia