
волнистый, имеющий выступы
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имеющий выступы

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "hogbacked" в других словарях:

  • Hogback (sculpture) — Hogbacks are stone carved Viking sculptures from 10th 12th century England and Scotland. Their function is generally accepted as grave markers. Hogbacks take the form of recumbent monuments, generally with a curved ( hogbacked ) ridge, often also …   Wikipedia

  • Marlboro Mountains — Range Illinois Mountain, the second highest ridge of the Marlboro Mountains, seen from Tony Williams Park in Lloyd, New York …   Wikipedia

  • horse — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. equine; stallion, mare, colt, filly, foal, gelding; steed, mount; trotter, pacer, hackney; nag, hack, pony, charger, courser; dobbin, jennet; cavalry; sawhorse; bronco, mustang, cayuse; Arab. See… …   English dictionary for students

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