high-resolution image

high-resolution image
высокоразрешающее изображение
высокоразрешающий снимок

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "high-resolution image" в других словарях:

  • high-resolution image replication — raiškiųjų vaizdų dauginimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. high resolution image replication vok. Bildvervielfältigung mit hoher Auflösung, f rus. мультиплицирование изображений с высокой разрешающей способностью, n pranc.… …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

  • High-resolution transmission electron microscopy — (HRTEM) is an imaging mode of the transmission electron microscope (TEM) that allows the imaging of the crystallographic structure of a sample at an atomic scale. [cite book |title=Experimental high resolution electron microscopy |last=Spence… …   Wikipedia

  • High Resolution CT — or HRCT of the lung is a medical diagnostic test used for diagnosis and assessment of Interstitial lung disease. It involves the use of special computed tomography scanning techniques in order to assess the lung parenchyma.=Technique=HRCT is… …   Wikipedia

  • high-resolution — adjective producing images that are sharp and finely detailed (Freq. 1) high resolution photography a high resolution lens high resolution television • Ant: ↑low resolution * * * /huy rez euh looh sheuhn/, adj. 1. having or capable of p …   Useful english dictionary

  • High-Resolution High-Definition — HRHD (High Resolution High Definition) (also HR, HRHDTV, or HR.HDTV) is an initialism referring to an image resolution derived from high definition video, often seen as part of the filename of TV shows shared on the Internet. HRHD is an… …   Wikipedia

  • high-resolution — /huy rez euh looh sheuhn/, adj. 1. having or capable of producing an image characterized by fine detail: high resolution photography; high resolution lens. 2. Computers. of or pertaining to CRTs, printers, or other output devices that produce… …   Universalium

  • high-resolution — adj. High resolution is used with these nouns: ↑camera, ↑display, ↑graphics, ↑image, ↑imagery, ↑photograph …   Collocations dictionary

  • high-resolution computed tomography — (HRCT) computed tomography that produces images with a high degree of spatial resolution and anatomic detail using a high speed scanner, thin slices, and a special algorithm for reconstructing the image …   Medical dictionary

  • high-resolution — UK / US adjective computing producing a very clear printed or video image by using a large number of lines or dots …   English dictionary

  • high resolution —    Basically, any image that is displayed in better quality by increasing the number of dots, or pixels, per inch than normal.    Usually refers to better quality computer displays, but can describe printer quality as well …   IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

  • Image stitching — or photo stitching is the process of combining multiple photographic images with overlapping fields of view to produce a segmented panorama or high resolution image. Commonly performed through the use of computer software, most approaches to… …   Wikipedia

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